Chapter 18

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What was an emotional and tiresome evening soon turned to semi refreshed morning. While most of the Fellowship were up and getting started with their days, Maddie had decided to keep her head down and keep to her bed chambers; she was going through her belongings and packing only what she would really need for the next, and hopefully final, leg of the journey. She planned to leave later in the day, knowing she would need to sneak out and passed every single person within Gondor if she were to continue on her own as she and Gandalf had planned. The young girl was soon joined by her Elf and Dwarf friends, both finding a place within the room to sit as they pulled her into a pointless and laughter filled conversation. Neither bothered to ask about the packed bag resting against one of the pillows on her bed, nor how the girl was in the middle of trying to braid her hair in hopes she wouldn't have to touch it for the next month. Key word "attempting". She was mere seconds to giving up when Gimli motioned for her to sit down before him, taking the brush, hair ties and ribbons from her hands before he began to get to work; Maddie merely sat there, patiently waiting while Legolas preoccupied her time as she asked more questions about his home back in the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood. It took thirty minutes, but finally, the Dwarf put the hair items away and declared he was done! Standing up, Maddie stretched her aching body as she thanked her friend before glancing into the mirror hanging on the far wall; she found herself taken back by her appearance as she examined her hair. There were two small tight braids on either sides of her head, two larger ones next to those; all of the braids came together and intertwined half way down her length of hair, keeping whatever hair was left loose in place with the hair ties and ribbon. "I'll admit it, I'm impressed" Legolas smirked, sparing a glance to their short friend who huffed with pride while rambling on about how hair was viewed with high importance, thus caring and styling hair was an incredible skill that his race held in a high standing. "As long as it all stays in place for the remainder of this quest, I'm happy" Maddie smiled.

It was during this time, however, a certain father-son duo were discussing and plotting with one another in a darkened hallway not too far from the sixteen year old's bed chambers; rumours about the Fellowship's upcoming departure had reached to them, creating a anger and panic for the need to do something. "They must not leave! Not with the One Ring within their possession!" Denethor explained, pleased by the sight of his eldest son's agreement "do what you must! For Gondor and its people!" he ordered. Assuring his father that he would not fail, Boromir felt a familiar sense of desperation that he had met a few months ago as he turned and took his leave with a re-enforced and ignited determination. It was as Maddie finished packing her bag while her two friends took up her time with chatter and jokes, however, when the door to her chambers burst open. All three were startled as they turned towards entrance, their eyes landed on an enraged and somewhat crazed looking intruder "Boromir?!" Maddie questioned as she felt her heart race and watched him warily; Gimli sat back in his seat, not seeing a reason to be worried as it was merely another member of the Fellowship, though his sudden entrance was questionable. Legolas was quite the opposite, however, as he watched with narrowed eyes, asking what it was the man needed. It was as if the question fell upon deaf ears, however, as Boromir never uttered a word; he merely stride forth and towards the sixteen year old, not stopping a single second as he reached out and grasped a handful of her soft hair, tightly gripping onto the large chunk before yanking her forward. Maddie let out a cry of both pain and shock, feeling her scalp begin to immediately burn and sting which held a strange effect over her ability to keep her eyes open, finding herself violently blinking or merely keeping her eyes tightly shut as she was pulled and dragged out of the room. As she gripped onto the man's hand and arm in an attempt to release his vice like grip, Maddie continued to cry out and yell, both pleading and demanding he let her go; Boromir merely continued to storm out of the room and through the palace, both Elf and Dwarf hot on their tails as they followed with wide horror-filled eyes. They wanted, more than anything, to rip Boromir away from the sixteen year old but knew, if they physically did so, it would only harm her further. They kept up with the man's storming pace, ordering him to let her go. "That bloody idiot's too deep in his greed to hear us!" Gimli swore, glancing over to the Elf who took a moment to think; Legolas realised what direction Boromir was headed with the teenager and realised they needed back up. Turning away, Legolas began to run in the opposite direction "where are you going?!" Gimli questioned; the blonde Elf continued to run, not even bothering to spare his short companion a glance over the shoulder. "To get reinforcements" he yelled back. Silently admitting to the idea being a good one, Gimli quickly continued on, following the crazed man as he turned from trying to stop him to attempting to comfort and reassure Maddie through his words; he prayed that Elf's leg were damn fast!

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