Chapter 37

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Never had Maddie seen a single place so bright and booming and full of life! For as far a she could see, there were people swarming the city of Gondor. From the lower gates and through the many streets, climbing all the way up through each level of the city until they reached the palace. Atop of Minas Tirith, the courtyard and balcony was filled with those of all kinds of races. One could hardly take a single step in any direction, for the crowd was so magnificent. A young guard, under Aragorn's strict orders, had escorted Maddie from her bed chambers to the ceremony; he was to remain close to the girl, keeping a mindful eye on her for any signs of exhaustion, pain or becoming too overwhelmed. But he was to do this from a short distance, for Maddie would have hated to feel as if she were being babysat. While her friends would have happily stood with the girl, and would have probably preferred it, they had to be with their own people, for it was tradition. Thus, Maddie watched on with a smile, standing on her own within the excited crowd. And in the centre of it all, there stood Aragorn, dressed in his royal attire that was suitable for that of a King. He was standing on the steps that led toward the palace, facing the great White Wizard before him whom carefully took the crown from the cushion which Gimli held steady, standing beside the two with a grin of pride. Aragorn himself had asked the dwarf to partake in the role. Raised the crown into the air, it was presented to those consumed and captivated, watching on in awe and amazement. "Now come the days of the King" Gandalf declared, his voice strong and loud before lowering the crown to rest upon the man's head; Aragorn closed his eyes at the foreign feeling, swallowing his worries and doubts. But never the less, he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face his gaze met Gandalf's, replacing the nerves that ate at him. "May they be blessed" the wizard wished, bowing his head as he and Gimli stepped aside, allowing the newly crowned King to complete the steps and turn to the ever so watchful crowd, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as if on instinct.

The silence that filled the air was broken as all erupted into cheers, claps and whistles. It was a warming sight to beheld and only stopped to allow their King to speak. "This day does not belong to one man, but to all" Aragorn addressed, his voice firm as his softened gaze fell upon the crowd, taking the sight before him in "let us, together, rebuild this world...that we may share in the days of peace" he smiled. And just like that, the joyful cheers, excitable claps and wishful whistles resumed, every single person within the crowd eager to celebrate such a momentous occasion, Maddie included; she couldn't contain her smile, her pride and happiness for the man blooming as she watched on. Petals began to fall from above, a lovely little trick Gandalf had prepared; it was a marvel of a sigh to beheld. As the volume lowered once more, Aragorn took the moment and began to sing, most recognising it with honour to be The Oath of Elendil; his voice was gentle yet deep, carrying the melody with a soul promise. Aragorn made his way through the crowd, a pathway having been made by the guards; he was greeted by the sight of Faramir and Éowyn, the pair having entered a lovely courtship. He continued, turning as his eyes reached the crowned King of Rohan, Éomer, whom bowed in respect; Aragorn returned such a kind and noble gesture with ease. Legolas, accompanied by a group of elves, stepped forth. The two friends, came to stand before one another, placing their hands on each others shoulders with mutual smiles resting upon their faces; the newly crowned King thanked his friend in the Elvish language, a great weight holding his words. Legolas merely grinned, his eyes knowingly glancing to his side; his friend watched on in an amused humour, following his hidden gaze with wonder. It was there his eyes landed upon the beautiful sight that he was familiar with. Arwen. She was holding a banner, one she had taken the time to make herself, with a gentle smile gracing her face. Her father, Lord Elrond, was stood behind her, a look of content and knowing as his gaze rested upon the two. 

As Aragorn stood there, dazed and amazed, her father gently motioned his daughter forward, accepting and embracing what was to be, even with a glint of sadness hiding within his eyes. Only as Arwen began to step forward did her love do the same, meeting her in the middle; they had been unofficially "together" for years, but in that moment, they felt like the sky youngsters they once where upon their first meeting. Taking the banner from her hand, Aragorn handed it to another nearby elf whom took it with grace and kindness. Arwen, remembering the title which now stood before her, bowed before the man out of respect. Such an act startled Aragorn deeply; he could not understand why his beloved was bowing to him, seemingly trying to avoid his gaze. It worried him and such an emotion showed on his face. The fact was, Arwen did not know where she stood with the man. With him now becoming King and she being a mere elf from Rivendell who was sure to return to her homeland. Where did that leave them? They may have been silly insecurities, but they were never the less real. With a softness that he showed and used on very, Aragorn reached out and placed his hand below the she-elf's chin, gently raising her head until her eyes met his own; they spoke without words, conveying both their fears, worries, hopes and feelings within a silent few moments. "Stay with me" Aragorn asked in the tongue of her race, pleading she stay by his side; Arwen fought back the tears that threatened to fall, simply nodded her head "always" she whispered, certain her voice might fail her if she tried to speak anything more. A smile, stained with joy and glee, spread across Arwen's face as she stared at the man before her with such love and devotion. Where else could she possibly be, if not by his side? The pair had never been allowed to be open with their relationship due to them both being of different races, nor had they participated within the "proper" courtship that was forced upon so many. So they were only themselves, together, around those they called their closest friends and family. Unless, of course, you had a pair of working eyes, as Maddie had always thought to herself. But those days were gone; Aragorn was determined! 

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