Chapter 10

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As the Fellowship raced out of Moria, they couldn't even feel a sense of relief as sadness drowned it out. Boromir was forced to restrain Gimli as the Dwarf vents out his rage and sorrow, having only just learnt of a good friend's death, then seeing yet another. Legolas glanced around at their surroundings, a look of shock and disbelief painting his face while Arwen took a seat on one of the many large stones, wiping away the stray tears that had managed to escape. Maddie, as soon as she had managed to escape the man's grasp, stepped away as she wrapped her arms around her thin frame, finding herself at a loss of breathe as she fought against her own tears and cries; she moved to face away from the group, needing to find a way to process what she had just helplessly watched while wanting to hid her face and emotions from the others. The guilt was consuming her with every passing second. As for Aragorn, he remained silent as he wiped his blood covered sword before calling out for them all to get up and ready to move onward; Boromir looked to him to disbelief and annoyance "give us a moment, for pity sake!" he demanded. The ranger explained how, by nightfall, the hills they could see and were standing on would be swarming with Orcs "we must continue our travel and find somewhere safe to rest" he decided. This angered Boromir, however, as he stepped away from the Dwarf, ordering he give them a moment to calm and console themselves; Aragorn repeated his own previous words, reminding him of how they needed to get to safety "or do you need the Ring Bearer to decide for the Fellowship yet again?" he questioned, recalling how it was Boromir who argued with the wizard and Gimli as to where they should go. "The Ring Bearer?" Boromir spat before pointing over to the teenager who remained to have her back to them "she is the one who chose to come through the Mines of Moria instead of going to the Gap of Rohan! Gandalf would still be here if it weren't for her!" he exclaimed. Letting out a gasp, Arwen jumped to her feet as she defended the fifteen year old, reminding them of how no one had protested to her decision because none of them, possibly baring the wizard, knew of the demon "not to mention Maddie was forced to make the decision when she was half frozen!" she reminded.

While Maddie might have had her back to the Fellowship, her ears worked perfectly well; she heard the argument unfold, including Boromir's belief. She could hardly blame him; she was thinking and feeling the exact same thing. "Enough!" she called out, turning to face the group as she agreed with Aragorn; they looked to her as she spoke, noticing the tired expression, as well as the sadness tainting her features "we need to find somewhere safe, even if it is to rest" she reasoned plainly. It appeared her words worked, at least, as they pushed on and resumed their journey, but in a gloomy silence. Aragorn led the way with Arwen by his side while Boromir glared holes into the ranger's head from behind; Legolas walked a few steps behind with Gimli while Maddie remained at the back. They travelled for the entire day, only stopping for toilet breaks; the day was filled with silence, other than when Gimli slowed to walk beside the fifteen year old "don't listen to him, lass" he encouraged, motioning towards Boromir "he's just sad to have lost Gandalf, as we all are, but our emotions can make us do and say harsh and untrue things". Unable to force a small smile, Maddie shook her head "thank you, Gimli, but I can't not listen to him when I myself believe his words" she sighed, admitting to the fact that if she hadn't picked to go through the Mines of Moria, their dear tall friend would still be with them. "Ah, come now lass, you mustn't think like that" he gently nudged her arm with his arm, sending her a kind smile. Legolas, who had overheard their conversation easily, slowed his own pace to walk on the other side of the young girl "he's right, Maddie" he agreed, mentioning how Gimli had been the one to mention the mines in the first place "yet none of us are blaming him because he did not know of that demon creature, nor did you". Finally able to force a smile, Maddie thanked her two friends for their kind words "but I'm afraid my guilt will not leave me, even with your protests" she signed before moving to walk a little ahead of the two in order to be alone. Both Elf and Dwarf shared a look as they felt sorry for the Ring Bearer; Legolas knew the She-Elf had heard all that they had just spoken and had quietly informed the ranger of Maddie's guilt. They would talk about it with her when they were safe, wishing to put her mind at ease and rid her of this unneeded guilt; Aragorn was sure to make a mental note to have a private word with Boromir about her harsh words also.

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