Chapter 11

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Since the Uruk-Hai's attack, a week and some had passed. After resting for the night, the Fellowship had broken out into an argument as to what path they should take. Some though going passed the White Wizard's tower might have been a risk worth taking while others thought going to Gondor would be a wise decision; it was Maddie, having merely wished to ask a question, who had made the ultimate decision. That was why they were heading for Rohan. As they grew closer after having travelled for a long time, however, the group soon heard the sound of horses travelling at a great speed; they quickly hid, fearing it may be yet another troop of Orcs, and waited before a cavalry of armoured men and horses came travelling by. Noticing the symbol the cavalry wore, however, Aragorn jumped up "Riders of Rohan!" he called out, earning a multiple of raised brows from his own group "what news from the Mark?" he questioned; the leader of the cavalry, once he heard the call and noticed the Fellowship, signalled for his riders to make a quick turn and head towards the them. The Fellowship soon found themselves encircled by the horses before every single man stopped their steeds and pointed their spears right at them, leaving no room to move even an inch. "What business does a ranger, a man, two Elves, a Dwarf and a young girl have in the Riddermark?" the leader questioned, demanding they speak quickly; Gimli didn't take too kindly to this, however, and spoke as much "give me your name, horse master, and I shall give you mine" he returned. The captain jumped off of his horse and stood before the Fellowship "I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground" he threatened. Both Legolas and Arwen wasted no time in aiming their arrows at the man before them, warning him that he would die long before his stroke could fall; Aragorn motioned for the two Elves to lower their weapons before he complied, introducing himself and the rest of the group.

"We are friends of Rohan and of Théoden, your King" the man explained, only to earn a bitter sigh from the leader "Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe" he stated as he removed his helmet, a look of both sadness and bitterness showing on his face "not even his own kin". Raising a brow in confusion, Maddie asked what he meant by such a statement; the man motioned for his men to withdraw their weapons "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the King and claimed lordship over this land" he explained, adding how the company that he commanded were those loyal to Rohan "and for that, we are banished, but we will not abandon our people and those within!" he stated firmly "that is why we patrol the lands around Rohan, doing what we can to protect it before the danger can arrive". As the captain said this, however, he sends a meaningful glance towards the two Elves; Aragorn quickly assured him that they were no threat "we merely wish to pass through Rohan to gather supplies before continuing on our way" he explained. Éomer wished them all luck as he revealed how Rohan didn't take too kindly to strangers like it once did, not since a darkness had taken a hold of the King "take these horses to aid you in your travels" he offered as his men brought forward enough horses for all of the Fellowship "may they serve more use to you than their last masters". Thanking the man and his company, the group watched as they galloped away to continue their patrol before all mounted their gifted horses; their legs felt relieved as the horses allowed them a chance to rest while never stopping their journey, which was why, much to their mixture of delight and dread, found Rohan within the next few hours. As they entered the village and made their way for the great hall, however, Maddie's couldn't help but notice the side long looks and suspicious glances they were receiving "Éomer wasn't kidding" she mumbled, earning a hum of agreement from both Elves as they were the only ones to hear her words; she heard Gimli mention something about finding more cheer in a graveyard which, in all honestly, was rather accurate.

After they had dismounted their horses and placed them within the stables, the Fellowship made their way over to the hall; they were stopped by the steps, however, as a group of armoured guards blocked their path. "I cannot allow you before King Théoden so armed" Maddie assumed this man was the leader of the guards as he spoke "by order of...Gríma Wormtongue" he finished, though it didn't go unnoticed how he physically cringed at the name he spoke. Sharing a look with his fellow travellers, they all reluctantly agreed and handed over all of their weapons. And by God, did they have a lot! Maddie was forced to hold back her laughter as she merely handed over her dagger before standing back to as she watched the rest unload their swords, daggers, bows and arrows, axes and shield for the next few minutes into the hands of the awaiting guards. Seemingly satisfied, the guards parted and allowed the Fellowship to enter the hall; it was as they began to approach the thrown, however, that they were able to get a proper look at the King. He was sat in his thrown, dressed in robes with a crown upon his head, all fit for royalty, but that wasn't what caught their attention. No. It was how ill and close to death he looked. Théoden's hair was white and untamed, his skin cracked and pale, and his eyes were dull and practically lifeless. He wasn't sat as a King would in his thrown but was hunched over and leaning to the side. But Théoden was not alone either, for a man dressed in clothing with matching greasy hair sat beside him, whispering and muttering into his ear; Maddie easily assumed that the dark haired man was Gríma Wormtongue, the man whose name the head guard forced himself to speak with disgust. "What business do you have here?" the King questioned, his voice strained and tainted by a darkness that made the Fellowship felt uneasy; Aragorn explained how they were on a quest that required them a lot of travel, which is why they planned to rest and restock their supplies within Rohan "if, my lord, you will permit this?" he requested.

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