Chapter 22: No goodbye

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Jason sat on the roof top, the cold biting at his skin under his thick armour. Thick drops of snow gently fell to the earth. Their crisp white shade reflected against the neyon lights of the city. Jason watched Katherine from the building beside her room. She was still in her hospital room, still restricted to her bed. A drip was still feeding her veins,  stopping the pain. Her completion had more life
She was visted constantly by Cameron, Kylie and surprisingly.
Her parents.

Katherine's Dad would come in daily, bringing food and flowers. While her Mom constantly stayed by her side. She even slept in the uncomfortable plastic bound vistor's chair all night.
Jason could understand why, he was also still paranoid on her protection. But watching her this way, felt different. He knew leaving her would change things but it was almost like, a cord had been cut between them. An emotional tie that he wasn't sure he would get back.

Jason didn't move as he heard the quite sound of Bruce landing behind him.  Bruce approached, not saying anything. When Jason didn't even turn to look at him nor say a single word. Bruce sighed and sat himself down next to his adopted son.
"I'm sorry to hear about Katherine." He said.
Jason said nothing. He just kept his eyes on her, Bruce looked down at where his gaze was. They both watched Katherine laugh as Kylie brought a hand full of balloons and cake from numerous co-workers. Her room was almost filled to the brim with flowers. 

"It was the right thing to do, she's safe now." Bruce continued. Jason glanced down at his lap before finally speaking.
"I did this Bruce."
Bruce turned his head, not saying a word. Allowing Jason to speak.
"I should've protected her and look what I just ended up doing "
"Your not the first to make mistakes Jason. Dick and Tim have made mistakes....I've made mistakes. Which resulted in people we love getting hurt. But we learn from them, it's what drives us."
Jason nodded, the words falling on deaf ears. He looked back at Katherine, she nodded as her Mom smiled and pointed at pictures in a slim magazine.
"Does it get easier?" Jason asked.
Bruce hesitantly nodded,
"It will take time. But yes."

A pause broke between them, not even the sound of the streets could have cut through the silence. Jason said nothing, He just listened to Bruce's words of encouragement.
"You're stronger than you know Jason. You'll get through this, I know you can."
Jason smirked, Bruce frowned under his cowl. Another small pause broke between them. Bruce patiently waited for Jason to respond to the smirk he had just made.
"This better not be turning into a chick flick momment." Jason said as he leaned away from Bruce. Bruce didn't even let out a sigh or chuckle, he just stared at Jason from the corner of his eye.


Katharine's tired eyes looked at the window that sat a few meters away from her hospital bed. Snow droplets splattering against the clear glass, a large strip grew on the window sill. Her blinks were slow as she put off sleep for as long as she could. Katherine didn't turn her head as her Mom took a deep breathe from his nose. Waking up, she stretched and smiled sleepily at her daughter. After a second of her daughter ignoring her she frowned. An expression that her daughter could reflect to a T.
"Katherine? What are you looking at?" She asked. Katherine tore her gaze from the darkness of the window. She lazily turned her head towards her Mom. She gave her a weak smile, She tried and failed to hold back a sigh.
"Nothing. Just thought I saw somebody." She said. Her Mom's hands gently touched her daughter's soft brown hair.
"It's okay sweetie, no one is out there." She said, hoping to sooth her daughter's possible nerves. Katherine nodded
"I know" She said quietly. Her Mom gently kissed her pale forehead, her hand still lingering on her thick hair.
"Get some sleep sweetie." Her Mom ordered, Katherine could have almost chuckled.
"Love you sweetie."
"Love you Mom."

Turning back to the window, the silhouette of Jason she was once watching had now dissappered completely.

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