Chapter 17: Last warning

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The work place hum had faded from my ears as my fingers tapped against the keyboard. My eyes were glued to the paper work on the screen. Nurses, paticents and doctors rushed by with me even moving my head. My fresh nurse scrubs felt somewhat comfortable against my pale skin. My long hazel hair tightly pushed back into a pony tail. My tired eyes had seen better days. Though my hands worked quickly on the computer my brain focused on Jason. Occasionally a small secret smile would rise across my face. A feeling of joy just wanted to burst from my chest like a child. The memory of our...kiss repeated in my brain in a loop
Suddenly I was snapped from my concentration by a dark familar voice.
"Excuse me?"

I turned to see Bruce Wayne stood behind me. His jet black suit stood out like a sore thumb in this hetic environment. A vistor's pass hung from his breast pocket.
I frowned, my thick eyebrow arched.
"Um...hello Mr Wayne, can I help you?" I asked. He took a step forward, his hands neatly folded in front of his waist. I slowly picked up a few random folders and pressed them against my chest, my nails digging into the papers. My brain clasped it like a shield but it would do little if anything were to happen.
I knew that he was the Batman...I knew almost everything, maybe even too much. Panic silently ran through my brain, was he here to threaten me? Or worse.

I gulped down a thick invisible clump as I attempted to hold up my strong attitude facade.
"Actually I was wondering if I could talk to you...privately about a patient."

Yep, I'm a dead woman.

I smiled politely.
"I'm sorry Mr Wayne, but I'm not permitted to speak about my patients with you. Company policy"
Before he could say anything else, I began to walk towards the towering metal elevator doors. Hoping to escape the conversation. My slim fingers quickly tapped at the button in the wall, it dimly glowed a pale blue as I waited the elevator to reach my floor. Bruce followed me, his peaceful facade fading slightly as the number of people surrounding us began to become thinner. As I waited for the elevator I could feel Bruce lean closer to me. The hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge.
"Well, nurse Blackwell.  I'll think you'll find this particular paticent is 'off the records'." Bruce ' s voice hushed. A quiet ding rung out I bolted past the doors slowly opening metal doors. I pressed the first floor button. Before I could even attempt to close the electronic door behind me Bruce stepped inside. Though I expected him to confront me directly he stood with his back to me. The elevator began its journey down, but before it could even reach the next floor Bruce' s fingers tapped against his watch. A few seconds passed by in silently. I watched Bruce carefully, a small frown raising up my brow.

Suddenly the elevator violently rocked to a stop.  The lights flickered for a moment before settling. I snapped my vision to Bruce, who had still stood with his back to me. Unintentionally, my spine pressed against the reflective back wall. Bruce taking advantage of no one else being inside and the closed the space between us. He leaned forwards, the metal bar that ran around the edges pressed into my waist.
I looked up at Bruce ' s now angered, threatening body language that set me on edge.
"He's gone." He said bluntly.  I frowned, confused for a moment.
"What?" I muttered. "What do you mean 'He's gone'?"

"He's out of state, it's not safe for you here. Leave the city." He said. Bruce began tapping against his watch again as if about to contact someone. The information dump swirled in my head, my voice cried out before I could realise what I was saying.

"W-wait a minuet!"
Bruce stopped for a second and looked up to me. He didnt even give me a frown, he just stared blankly. The tint of a questionable look in his eyes. 
"I c- ...where has he even gone?" I questioned, attempting to gain some answers.
Bruce rolled his eyes up to heaven, as the information dump grew to big for me to respond. 
"Red Hood has followed a leed down to Central City."
I frowned.
I could read Bruce ' s face clearer than a book. His eyes cast down to the ground, a small frown line across his brow. Almost an pained look across his face.

"You think it's a trap?" I asked. He nodded hesitantly. Panic rose in my chest, my words slipped out before I could control them.
"You need to go after him." I said, my voice emotionless. He sighed.
I frowned, it took my brain a minuet to catch up.  My eyes widened, as the realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"He asked you to watch me." I stated quietly. Bruce snickered.
"He was quiet...persistent about it." He muttered under his breathe. I looked back at Bruce ' s face. Still cold, still bitter expression.
"Clearly you seemed thrilled about it." I muttered sarcastically. He folded his arms.
"It's not my job to babysit. For your own protection, I suggest you leave the city."

I scoffed. I leaned forwards, attempting to push back against this pressure I was under.
"I'm not leaving Bruce." I said bluntly,  a glare in my eyes. Before he could speak, I cut him off.
"This is my home. I've got work to do and so do you." I protested.
"I can't protect you and protect him."
"I don't need protection, go to him."
"I'm not leaving Bruce. Batman or not, I'm staying right here."
He looked down, silent.
I used a lighter voice, attempting to make the conversation more peaceful. "I'm non exsistant to Black Mask, I'm safe. You can tell him that yourself."

Before any more could be said the elevator suddenly shook awake. The lights flickered for a seocnd as it finally began to work once again. I kept eye contact, not breaking my strong stare. Suddenly the familar 'ding' rung out inside the small elevator. Before the doors could open, Bruce pulled away from me, his suave, polite body language returned. He stood with his back to me. My eyes watched Bruce as I began walking out the slowly opening doors. 
"Goodbye Mr Wayne. I trust you'll find your way out." I said bluntly before the door slowly slid shut. Bruce not saying a word simply stared at me. Something in his cold, tired blue eyes. 

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