Chapter 15: Unexpected

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Cameron was taking a long shower within my bathroom, his slightly bloodied clothes in my washing machine. I was still awaiting my turn to clean my self up, not wanting to leave Jason alone just yet.

We had spent hours patching Jason up, I don't know how I would have managed on my own. I carefully watched Jason lay against my sofa. His heavily bandaged chest rose and fell gently. His cold, dried blood stained my hands, small splatters acted as freckles. I had long taken off Jason's helmet, but his small eye mask still desperately clung to his pale face. Though my concerns for Jason was still there, they were slowly burning out. A numbing sensation washed over me, now thay

As I moved to get up, Jason gasped awake. I flinched, I turned to look at Jason from where I stood. Jason leaned himself up, his hand clasped over the bullet hole in his skin. The blood under his crisp bandages slowly appearing through. Small grunts of pain escaped his lips.
"What time is it?" He grunted. I looked at my wrist watch as I stepped into my open kitchen.
I shrugged.
"10ish" I said quietly. Jason snickered, he raised his brow.
"What's up with you?" Jason remarked. I dropped everything in my hands, shaking my head to him as I looked over to him a frown on my face.
"Nothing." I said simply. Jason frowned, a confused expression across his face, a smirk playing on his lips.
"You've got that look on your face." I felt my heart tange again, blood rushing to my cheeks as he smirked.
"You're hiding something. Tell me." He continued.
I pushed my hair back from the dried blood across my face. Jason held back his pain as he pushed himself up from the sofa, his heavy boots shuffled against the wood towards me.
"How do you know I'm not mad at you for getting yourself nearly killed again?" I questioned, poorly attempting to hide my feelings. He scoffed as he finally reached me, "If you were mad. I would know, your wrath is legendary."
I smirked, my eyes trying to avoid his gaze. I could just see a grin rise up his face slowly as he got a clearer look at my face, he used the palms of his hands for support as he shuffled closer to me. He chuckled darkly, "I haven't seen that expression before...aww your defiantly hiding something. Spill." He said, his body getting closer to mine.
"I've got nothing to hide." I lied. His chest almost completely pressed against my arm, I took a step away. I could feel my cheeks turn a pale crimson, I could almost feel my heart beat in my throat. My gaze continued to avoid his.
"You're a terrible liar." He remarked.
"I am not!" I barked.
"You make me spill everything, it's time I got some juicy secrets."
"I haven't got anything to tell you."
I mentally cursed to myself, did he seriously except me to tell him my feelings? I glanced towards his gaze, he didn't move nor brake his careful scan of my face.
Clearly he was.
"You're not in trouble are you?" He asked. His voice taking a somewhat more serious tone.
"What? No." I scoffed.
"Then tell me." He said simply, his body leaning towards mine. "I'm not leaving until you do."
"Would you lay off!" I finally snapped.
"Woah, calm down."
"Ugh! You won't get it!"
"What's the matter with you?"
"I'm in love with you, you idiot!" I screamed. His face abruptly fell, he stepped back. Both of us fell silent. Not sure what to say...what have I done?

I've just told one of the biggest anti heroes in Gotham that I love him...
I scratched my thick brown eyebrow nervously as he gave me no response. The silence built between us awkwardly.
"Please say something..." I muttered nervously.

No response. He just stared, his facial expressions completely blank. Clearly I had weirded him out.
I sighed.
"If your not going to respond then-"
Suddenly his marble lips pressed against mine, cutting me off. His strong hand pushing back the stray locks of hair from my face. I melted into his embrace as his other arm wrapped around my waist. Pulling me closer to him, my arms coiled around his neck. My toes pressed against my floor boards attempting to reach his tower structure.

He pulls away, our eyes meet. His strong bare arm still wrapped around my waist. I blankly stared for a momment. His icy blue eyes looking into mine. His signature smirk across his lips. I stood, not sure what to do with myself.
"Wow, I never thought that would actually shut you up." He remarked, his eyes locked on to mine. I snickered as I stared for a momment. Unsure of what to say.

He swiftly moved back to the window and slid on his pale crimson helmet.
"See ya around" his dark voice said from under his helmet. My brain still hooked on that feeling, I dumbly nodded to him. My finger tips tracing my lips, "Bye Jason" I muttered as he jumped into the darkness of Gotham City.
I stood alone for a brief momment before hearing Cameron's slightly muffled voice shout from the other room.
"Katherine, your showers free!"
"C-coming!..." I yelled, my voice breaking slightly. Though my heart practically screamed in joy, though it didn't last that way for long.

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