Chapter 19: weeks and weeks gone by

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Tiredly Jason ran on the roof tops of Gotham City, his home city. His body rolling against the tall building's roofs as he jumped from one building to another. Making his way to a apartment he knew all to well. It had been days since he had left the city, it had been weeks since he had seen Katherine. The leed he had lead straight to a dead end until like the trap Batman had thought...Jason was happy to see both his city and Katherine.

Jason stopped as he looked at the pitch black apartment...she should be getting in from work by now. He frowned, maybe she's still out. Jason grinned as he planned to surprise her. But as Jason slipped through Katherine's open window he knew something was wrong. The cold darkness set off a million alarm bells within his brain.
"Katherine!" He called out. He half expected her to call out from her bed room groggily, 'yeah!'
but he was only greater with silence.

No response.

He rushed towards the front door, keys and days old shopping had be left carelessly to rot. She was here, She must have come home from work but where was she?!

He took a step forward, he suddenly noticed a small pool of blood on her polished light brown floor. It had dried deep into the wooden floor boards. It had been there for days....Panic surged in Jason's chest.
"Katherine!" He yelled out once again. Only to be met with nothing, Jason didn't even hesitate as he charged into her bed room.

Jason cursed loudly over and over again. His fists tightly clenched. How could this have happened? Why wasn't he here? How could he have let this happen?!
Before Jason could punch the wall he suddenly noticed a small brown roll by her armchair. He slowly approached it, he stood before he knelt down. His gloved finger tips picked up it body and brought it closer to his crimson helmet.

Jason was greated by an all to familiar cigar.

He quickly reached for it, his gloved fingers holding its body. Anger took over his hand as he crushed the cigar in his palm. He already knew what had happened.....He had taken her.

--------a few weeks later ---------

Jason sat silently in the bat cave, his back hunched over in his chair. His hands holding up his jaw, his elbows jabbing into the flesh of his thighs. His left foot quickly tapped against the floor, his nerves causing him to be on edge. Jason had not even touched the second round of food Alfred had made for him. He didn't know the last time he had ate, the last time he had slept. He didn't care about that stuff until he could find her and bring her home...
It had been weeks since he had seen or heard anything. It was like she had just disappeared completely. He had no choice, he had to ask Tim for help.

Jason's didnt lift his head as the echoing footsteps trailed down the dark, damp cave. Tim walked down the sleek stone stairs, his pale blue eyes looking down at the clear tablet in his firm hands. Tim still wore his gym wear, Jason's unexpected visit had caught him off guard.
"You find anything?" Jason asked quietly. Tim looked up at Jason as he stood, towering over him.
Tim paused for a momment, unsure on telling him the information gathered across the tablet. He sighed before finally speaking. 
"So far there's been no sightings of her or Black Mask."

Jason sighed as he felt yet another blow to his stomach. His rough hand ran through his jet black hair, his nails digging into his scalp. Before Jason could both mentally and physically hit himself, Tim spoke up.

Tim ' s word peaked Jason's interest, Jason practically jumped when Tim said the word.

Tim let out another sigh. "The latest drone has spotted activity in a old Simions warehouse at the edge of town."
Jason jumped didn't hesitant before moving towards the exit.
"Jason wait."
Jason stopped, but he didn't turn to Tim. Silence filled the air for a second as Tim stepped in front of Jason.
"You don't know how many guys are in there, if she's being kept there or......if she's still alive."
Jason snapped his attention to Tim, it was almost as if those words stung at Jason's chest. Before Jason could speak Tim continued.
"You can't just run in blindly." Tim protested. Jason looked down at Tim, a cold unfamiliar look in his eyes.
"Watch me."
"At least let me run thermal images to see if she's even in there."
"She's in there and I'm going to get her out. Period." Jason snarled.
"At least let me or Bruce come wi-"

Both of them paused. Jason looked down at the ground for a momment.
"This is my fault Timmy boy. I shouldn't have left. I should have just let you and Bruce deal with it... " Jason said quietly. His voice practically nonexistent, he clenched his fists.
"I'm going to do everything to set it right." Jason said.

Silence filled the air, Jason turned and quickly, as he reached mid way up the sleek stairs. Tim unsure on what to do.
Tim bit the inside of his cheek as he worked up the courage to speak through the thick tension between them.
"Jason...I'm going to ask you again. Are you in love with her?"
Jason stopped. He said nothing.
"Because if you are, this is going to change everything."

"Yeah." He said simply, he turned and left Tim alone in the bat cave.

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