Chapter 11: The Truth

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My body slammed against my cold floor as both of my hands dragged Red Hood's body through the door. His body fell on top of mine, i could hear him groan through his teeth. I bit back the pain in my twisted wrist, I used it to push myself up along with pulling up Red Hood's body. Panic tore away at my throat, I slammed my door shut.
"Red? Red? Can you hear me?" I said my voice snapping into pieces.
I pressed my ear against his armoured chest. A rythmic beating echoed out. He was still alive.... thank god.

Red Hood had almost completely destroyed his crimson helmet. The armour around his neck tightly held shards the last crimson helmet. It tip threatening to stab into his flesh. Blood threatened to go into his left eye. His eye mask was no where to be seen. His face was almost completly bare...I gulped once I realised what i had to do.

I needed to take his mask off.

I cursed out loud.
He was going to kill me when he wakes up. My finger tips shakily searched for the realise button. Once I heard the familiar click and realse of his helmet I carefully pullrd it from his face. His identity completely shown to me. I stared for a second....He looked familar. I quickly dismissed the idea. There's no time for this.

I quickly inspected his entire skull, one gash across his forehead.
I took a sigh of relief, it's just a small head injury. The helmet had taken most of the damage, the fall in the dumpster must have knocked his out. He was lucky that it was full, he could have done some serious damage. The gash a bullet just missed him.

My feet tripped over each other as I sprinted for my first aid kit. I wiped away the blood that threatend to blind him. My hands carefully sewed the gash up before finally bandaging it up. Not being done I pulled his unconscious body up onto my sofa. His face into better veiw once the tinted light from the lamp shine down on him. I frowned, he was definitely some one I've seen before...


My body sat curled up right on a leather bond kitchen chair. The fake marble island in the centre of my kitchen acted as my current table. I stared at Red Hood's bare face....or should I say, Jason Todd's bare face. He sleep blissfully as panic rose up in my throat. I remember when it clearly, it was all over the news. One of the Wayne's boy died.
Jason to be exact.
I tried gulping down the panic in my throat but it refused to move. Who was this man I've entrust my life with?

My knuckles pressed against my lips, guarding any words from escaping. The only light source was the pale glow of my laptop screen. My laptop sat close to my body as I sat curled up on the chair. The death and history of Jason Todd proudly presented across my screen...

Bruce Wayne ' s second adoptive son died tragically in a car accident 4 years ago. I remember when it was all over the news... It was plastered everywhere. Who the hell is this man? Who is the guy I've been trusting?

I flinched slightly as Red Ho- Jason gasped awake, his upper body launched up from the sofa. He looked around quickly, trying to work out his surroundings through the darkness. Though he quickly stopped, hissing in pain. His strong rough hand clamped over the bandages on his skull.

"Your safe" I said bluntly. He snapped his gaze towards me, my hazel eyes were cast down to the ground. He held the pain back behind his teeth as he sat up right on the sofa. His pale finger tips gently touched the soft bandages across his face. His icy blue eyes darted to me, he had realised that his eye mask was gone. His identity was completely revealed to me.
"Katherine...what did you-" he began rage in his voice but I cut him off.
"Your helmet was almost completly destroyed. If I didnt remove it some of the shard may have stabbed into your face or neck" I snapped. My eyes still not looking at him.
His face was still angered, his eyes colder than I had ever seen.
"I had no choice..."
He paused. He muttered a thousand curses under his breathe.

"You know what I found interesting" I snarled as I spun the laptop towards him. Showing off the information I had found. His icy blue eyes widened, his eyes darted from the screen to me.
He stared, words caught in his throat.
"I've apparently entrusted my life with a dead man."

"Who are you?" I muttered.
"I can explain" he said quickly.
I scoffed, my eyes rolling up to heaven.
"You'll be surprised"
"You can explain why you died 4 years ago and are now running around as a anti hero?" I snapped.
"When you say it like that it makes this seem weird" he remarked.
I rubbed the inner corners of my eyes, showing my unamusement. He held his pain filled groan between his teeth as he pushed his body up. He slowly walked up to me, his body stiff. Not sure what to say or do.
"Look I-"
He came close to me. I placed my hand against his cold chest armour, stopping him from coming any closer. I shook my head, I kept my eyes at the laptop.
"Stay away...I don't want you near me right now." I said my eyes not even looking at him. He stepped back with a sigh. He glanced around for a second before pulling in a stray chair. He pulled it close to me, his body firmly placed on top of it. A small silence built up between us. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, my body language cutting him off.
"You not gonna talk to me now?"
I didn't answer.
"Fine, I'll talk."
I turned to him fully, waiting for him to answer me. His face stern, clearly he didn't want to tell me.
"I'll tell you everything. Why not?"
And he did...He told me everything, at first it was hard to believe. The Joker, the whole resurrection. But I could see it in his face, he wasn't lieing.

I rubbed my closed eyelids as he finished. We sat in silence, he patiently waited for my reaction.
My hands covered my mouth for a second, not exactly sure what to say.
"You got questions? " He asked. I calmly organised the thoughts in my mind, allowing each one to be asked.
"So you were.....'brought back'?"
He nodded.
"Does Bruce know your alive? " I asked.
He nodded. "He's known for a while now..."
I paused for a second. Slightly shocked by his response.
"Does he know your Red Hood?"
He nodded. The thought suddenly popped into my brain.
"Is that why he came to my apartment?"
He nodded.

I paused, the last question in my mind needed to be answered...but it seemed the words didn't want to roll of my tongue that gracefully. I sighed
"Will I be put in any danger after knowing this information?"
Jason paused. Clearly unsure about his answer.
"I doubt anyone will find out."
I nodded, I bit my lip in frustration.
"What about my friends?" I asked. Jason frowned.
"What about them?" He asked, his brow raised.
"I told a couple of friends about the arangement if even that. Will they be in any danger now?"
I could see that Jason didn't approve of my methods of getting him in to my apartment.
"They wouldn't have know if you didn't almost die on me twice." I protested. He gritted his teeth slightly,
"I'll keep an eye on them..." he muttered.
"Thank you..." I said.
I leaned back in my chair, I exhaled. I snickered to myself.
"I seriously didn't think my life in Gotham would end up like this." I remarked. Jason smiled slightly.
"I was wondering when you would admit that I made your life better."
"Get over yourself."

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