Chapter 20: The great escape

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Jason jumped down on to the roof of the closest building to the supposibly 'abandoned' warehouse. He squinted his eyes through the crimson glass helmet. He clicked the small button at the back of his crimson helmet. His detective mode flashed across his vision, numerous thugs wondered the grounds. Guns cradled in their strong arms, Jason edged closer to the warehouse. A small figure instantly caught his attention, it's body was slumped into a small chair. Their heart beat significantly faster than the others. Black Mask rolling down his shirt's sleeves in front of them, his fingers fiddling with the small buttons on each sleeve. Zooming in closer he could make out the slumped figure to be female...Katherine.
He watched as Black Mask leave the room, slamming tge door behind him. Jason flicked off detective mode. He stood, anger boiling up inside of his chest. Katherine's vitals were weak, Her lungs were working against the numerous broken ribs, she was hurt. 

"Don't worry Katherine. I'm coming for you." He said quietly to himself. Jason's heavy leather boots edged to the rim of the roof top, he stepped forward. Lazily falling down to the ground below.


My chin pressed against my chest as I sat in Black Mask's office, the lights has long been switched off. Leaving me in complete darkness. My wrists were still tightly bound behind my back, my knees ached. Sitting in the same wooden chair for days on end had taken atoll on my muscles. Black Mask had since stopped his daily sessions of pain and questioning for now, I had been sat here for what felt like forever, the only sound was the small 'plop' of small droplet of my fresh blood pooling below my feet. 

I slowly lifted my head as I heard the faint sounds of gun fire and screaming over the loud ringing in my ears. I turned my head to the door, ignoring the stinging pain in my neck and face I turned my head back to my broken body as the noises grew louder and louder. They were getting closer and closer. Suddenly the large thick doors quickly swung and slammed loudly, only a small glimspe of artifical light breaking it's way into the room. A pair of shoes quickly rushing towards me. Black Mask nervously moved towards me as the gun fire and screams grew louder.
"Get up!" Black Mask snarled as his gloved hand pulled me up by the collar of my shirt. I groaned in pain as he dragged me away from the large office door. Our bodies backing up towards the pale window letting in all of the light.
Suddenly the gun fire abruptly stopped. I was left with the quieting ringing in my ears, Black Mask tightly slung my weak broken body against his chest. I whinsted as my possibly broken leg could barely stand under his weight. His arm wrapped around my neck, the cold steel barrel of his gun pressed against the side of my skull. My left eye was completely swollen shut causing half the room to be pitch black. A faint sounds of foot steps approached us. I felt Black Mask tense, he shifted in his leather bound shoes as the gold door knob began to turn. The door slowly opened to reveal Jason in his crimson armour stepping inside. My heart lept to my throat, he's here...he's come for me, I couldn't help but give a weak smile. Relief washws over me. I could feel his eyes looking at me through his crimson mask, it took me only a second to register the anger  rise from under his helmet, his bloody gloved hands clenching in to tight balls. Jason rushed forward, his hands reaching for the on his belt gun but suddenly stopped in his tracks as Black Mask pulled his own gun. The cold steel barrel placed on the side of my numb skull, all relfie I had once felt instantly fell away and turned into dredd. Jason attempted to step forwards once again but the quiet click of the safety of his gun being pulled off stopped him in his tracks. My heart suddenly fell to my stomach.

"Stay right there" Black Mask snarled as he pushed my head to a painful angle with the barrel of the gun. I wanted to cry out in pain but only a quiet groan escapes my busted lips. Jason stopped in his tracks, judging the situation more carefully.
"Let her go." Jason said his voice completely emotionless.
Black Mask chuckled, he cockily began to swift the weight across each of his feet as I felt a stinging pain across my shoulders.
"Like hell, she's the only thing keeping me alive."

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