Maeve's Diary

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Dear Diary,

Nothing new with me just the same as always. Damon’s being his usual picky self and is almost refusing to go to the Valentine’s Day party. He hates all the gooey romantic stuff, that’s one thing we have in common. My friends will be there though, so that’s enough for me to go.

I haven’t heard from Sam since…ever. When I went back over Christmas Break, he wasn’t there. Knowing him he was probably searching for the Dark Lord and ways to free him, it was his life goal to become a Death Eater like our father. And my father, well I can’t remember the last time I spoke to him.

Lucky me, I had the entire manor to myself. Even my grandparents weren’t around; I think they went back to Austria for the break. No complaints there, though I wouldn’t admit it, I did get a little lonely. I found a safe full of galleons, so I decided to spoil myself with my own Christmas gifts.

I have about ten minutes till class, better get going.


Quickly shutting the diary, sealing it with a spell, and hiding it under the mattress on my bed I began to get ready. People did wonder my secret, how I managed to find all this time to get ready. My secret will always kept to myself.

I decided to go curly today, so I did a simple curling spell and pulled up the loose blonde curls into a high almost messy ponytail. I put in a small clip on the top of the ponytail just to add a bit. I loved fashion; I had a stash of Wild Witch magazines hidden with my diary. I desperately would love to be on the cover or work for this company, but that isn’t proper for a pureblood ‘lady’.

Makeup was my favorite, I kept it nice and simple today using a very light purple to accent my dark eyes. Then I was off to class, I skipped breakfast as always. In my opinion it was the worst meal of the day. Eating this early just made me sick. Lunch was my all time favorite though. Slipping into Potions a split second before the bell rang I slid into a seat behind my friends Kayla and Natalie. They both turned around to great me, 

“Excited for the upcoming Valentine’s Day party, Maeve?” Natalie questioned me. Snape had yet to enter the room.

“You will be there, right?” Kayla questioned, they all doubted me. My friends didn’t like Damon much, but they accepted him because his looks and status.

“Of course.” I simply replied when Snape entered the room, they both looked unconvinced and turned around as class began.

After classes that day the three of us began to head to lunch and only had one class left on this great Friday. I had the whole weekend to look forward to; I was hoping to catch up on some of my beauty spells. I haven’t learned any new ones lately. I felt someone grab my arm, “I need to talk to you.” I turned to see the piercing blue eyes of my boyfriend.

“I’m sure it can wait, we’re off to lunch. You two can have all night to talk.” Kayla turned around saying to him with a smirk. He smirked back at her.

“I’ll be sure to return her, come on now Maeve.” Kayla and Natalie both looked at me waiting for my response. As usual I just went with the flow.

“See you there in five minutes.” Natalie rolled her eyes a bit and Kayla shook her head, I don’t think they thought I was very tough. I do admit, I was sort of a push over. I avoided conflict at all cost. They turned to walk away.

“Yes, Damon?” I asked a bit bored turning towards and him and walking slowly in the direction he came from.

“About the party, I don’t think we should go. Davis and I are having a bit of a party of our own, we’re going to have a lake party and watch the idiot first years leap into the ice cold water. He also managed to snag more than enough fire whiskey.” Damon smirked, probably at his idea. “So we can just go to that instead.”

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