My World

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Darkness. Black. Silence. And
The only thing I had for comfort was a song the house elf who cared for me sang. My little voice being swallowed by the absolute nothing surrounding me,
"And unto the world you go, into the world you go. Have you kept your head up my pet?
Given them hell my pet? Have you given all you can give pet? That and a story. A story of long ago, Timeless as love can go, long as the end of time.
Head up my pet, darkness won't take you yet my pet."
A shimmering glimmer of light blinded me, flooding into my world.
"Albus! My word...a child, Merlin help me. I've found a child! What could He-who-should-not-be-named want with a mere child?" A kindly sounding woman stuttered.
"Minerva, are they quite alright? We will find in due time what he could have done. But for now, let us get her what seems to be much needed." An elderly voice spoke, it was both commanding and as if he was half day dreaming. A sparkling blue eye hidden behind half moon spectacles peered into my world,
"Bombarda Maxima"
A thunderous roar sounded as the walls of my world shook and crumbled, falling away to reveal a room filled with odd gadgets and books and several people I didn't recognize.
I fell to my knees trembling, feeling exhausted and hunger for the first time in what had felt like forever.
"A good rest and perhaps a good meal for the young lady, then we can ask everything we wish to know." The man from earlier said, this was met with an uncomfortable silence.
"H-Hello...?" I managed to mumble out, before collapsing onto the hard stone floor.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now