You secretly like eachother but Act like You Hate Eachother: Luke

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"This is so cool," your best friend muttered to you as you hummed in agreement. The two of you were sat in the middle row of a huge and empty arena as you listened to your best friend’s boyfriend’s band play their sound check for the morning. The sound bounced off all walls of the venue and echoed loudly because it was practically empty besides the boys and you and your best friends and the sound couldn’t have gotten any better. The boys finished their second last song for sound check before having a quick water break and you tapped your hands on your thighs to pass time. "Luke’s staring at you," your best friend said in a sing song voice and you gagged, rolling your eyes. She nudged you playfully before laughing and shaking her head. You and Luke had always had a weird relationship where you acted like you hated each other. You didn’t even know why it was like that but it was just the way you and Luke had turned out to be. Only your best friend knew about the secret feelings you had for him and she would be the only one to know. Ever.

The boys got straight back into their next and final song and you and your best friend jammed out in the row you were seated in, singing along loudly and waving your arms around in the air, pretending to be ecstatic fans. The song ended soon after that and your best friend jumped up, running out of the row and over towards the stage so she could see Michael. You trailed behind, managing to reach the stage just as Michael and your best friend were walking away. Calum and Ashton soon left as well, leaving Luke behind to pack away his guitar.

"This arena is so big," you said to fill the silence and Luke stood up from his guitar case, nodding in agreement. Well, that was a first. Usually the two of your disagreed on everything.

"Yeah, it’s probably sit about 30,000," he said and your eyes widened as you gave him an incredulous look. Was he just pulling figures out of his ass?

"What? No way! More like 20,000," you reasoned and he scoffed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Well there went your agreement.

"It’s definitely 30,000," he said and you stepped towards him, placing a hand on your hip.

"20,000," you argued and he narrowed his eyes, stepping closer to you. You couldn’t believe the two of you were actually bickering over how many seats were in the arena but you figured that the both of you would choose any reason to disagree or argue.

"30,000," he exaggerated the word as if you were stupid and you rolled your eyes, stepping closer to him so that you were only a foot away.

"20,000," you said, your voice making it sound final and you were surprised when Luke smirked. You wished he wouldn’t smirk like that; you always found it so attractive. Before you could even think, Luke’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you towards him and you were stunned silent, almost wanting to pinch yourself to prove that you were dreaming. Within the next second his lips were on yours, soft and warm and you immediately kissed him back before he chuckled and pulled away.

"I knew you liked me too," he said and you rolled your eyes, smirking before smacking his chest playfully.

"Did not," you poked your tongue out at him and he quirked an eyebrow, his smirk never leaving his expression.

"Did too," he said and you laughed; old habits die hard.

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