Chapter 26

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"My eyes are only on you," -H


Harry forced me back into bed which I obviously got in, Im fully awoken but right now I'm panicking because I feel something wet on the bed and I know exactly what it is. I pull off the covers to see blood stains on the sheets.

He's gonna kill me, I'm gonna die.

Tears started to fill my eyes and I slowly slip from Harry's grip making him slowly flutter his eyes and wake up looking straight at me, My stomach drops and I can feel the lump forming in my throat.

"H-Harry, I-I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean t-to do it." I stutter with tears rolling down my cheeks. I watch as his face turns confused but instantly changes when he follows where my finger is pointing to. The bloody bed.

"Please don't hurt me, I-I couldn't stop m-myself," I hiccup choking out sobs, He slowly gets off the bed, He walks over to me pulling me into his chest. I flinch at his touch worried that he'll hurt me for doing this mess.

"You're okay, It's okay baby. I'm not angry." He whispers into my ear. My heart still pounds faster each second as he rocks me and whispers sweet things in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Please don't kill me, I'll do anything. I'm sorry." I continue to hyperventilate, I'm this scared of him. I feel as if I do anything wrong he'll punish me in a painful way, Like maybe rape me again? Or even worse then that?

"Shh, I'm not gonna hurt you, baby." He kisses my cheek while stroking my hair, I slowly calm down still sniffing and shaking, he then slowly picks me up and grabs extra clothes from my closet taking me to the bathroom as I lay my head on his chest.

"You change in the bathroom while I change the sheets and my clothes. I'll make some breakfast too. Okay baby?" He says stroking my cheek.

I nod my head hopping off and slowly close the bathroom. I'm a bit surprised he didn't yell at me or curse at me for doing that. Most people would be disgusted if you were on your period. Especially if you were kidnapped.

I do my regular routine taking a quick shower even though I'm not supposed to and obviously putting on a pad, I brush my teeth and take the time to straighten my hair and give it some curls. I just want to look alive and not dead, I'm not impressing anyone.

I change into the clothes Harry gave me which was a oversized light purple and white sweater along with long white knee socks.

I change into the clothes Harry gave me which was a oversized light purple and white sweater along with long white knee socks

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I walk down the stairs slowly and reach the kitchen to see Harry cooking things. I take a seat on the stool making him turn around and immediately smile down at me.

"Feeling better?" He questions.

"Yes." I mumble quietly.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you. I promise."

"You already did.." I mutter. He frowns at my words turning around and walking close to me. Too close for my liking.

"What did I do that hurt you?" He questions.

I sniffle looking down and bite my lip extremely hard trying to get that lump out of my throat. "You raped me, I don't think I should ever forgive you.." I say a little bit louder.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. That.. that was making love, darling." He chuckles shaking his head. I shake my head with full disbelief, He's so rude to possibly think it was okay doing that to me.

"That wasn't love, you just hurt me.." I mumble under my breath. His head snaps in my direction as a low growl escapes from his mouth.

"I had enough. How dare you speak to me that way, after all I am being a nice person right now and what do you do in return anger me!" He yells as I flinch at every word.

"You want to be harsh? Well, two could play that game.." He continues speaking harshly grabbing my wrist and turning me around. He grabs the plate of food sitting beside me and shoving food in my mouth each second.

"What th-... stop!"

He glares at me dropping the food and throwing the plate at the wall.

"You just love to make me mad don't you? don't you see I love you.. Why can't you just love me?" He yells.

I stay silent as usual waiting for him to stop cussing and yelling at me. He continues yelling at me about random things on how I don't love him. The thing is I just can't love him, It's so wrong to love someone who abuses and rapes you. Plus, I don't have any feelings for him.

"You said you loved me! Don't lie! Say that you love me! Say it!!" He yells. I try speaking but all I do in return is choke on air, I feel weak beside him and can't do anything about it. He's more muscular and stronger then me and when I'm beside him I look like a little girl. He continues to glare at me waiting for me to speak, "I-I love you.." I shakily speak. Lies. I watch as a smile grows on his face and he comes up to me giving me a tight hug whispering how much he loves me over and over again.

"I love you so much, so so much. If they take you away I might go insane. I just can't have you away from me. I just can't.." He whispers in my ear.

"Gosh, I'm so in love with you," He continues.

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