Chapter 27

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"I just want to feel loved"-H


I'm really not in a great mood today, I feel like running into a wall just to get away from Harry. Today I'm feeling more brave and not afraid really, I figured out how Harry works so hopefully that could help.

I walk into the bathroom after using the toilet and fixing my hair into a half up and half down style I also clean my face up to make myself look more brave and not the fragile girl Harry keeps hurting.

I look in the closet trying to find an outfit thats best for me, For my liking not his. I want to look good for myself not for him. I want to be able to go out and have fun like the old times not be stuck in a house with a psycho dude who claims he loves me.

I find a pretty mint blue jump suit that looks really pretty, I slip it on along with my favorite necklace Sam gave me. I slowly twirling around the mirror making memories flow from when I was happy with my family.

I take a deep breath slowly walking down the stairs to see Harry, Liam and Louis on the couch but no Niall. They all have there eyes on me but Harry is the only one eyeing my outfit with full confusion.

I ignore his stares walking straight into the kitchen, I'm done with him bossing me around and threatening me making me feel weak and damaged. I'm gonna find a way out of here fast, It's almost like hell being here with him. He can be caring at times but his mood changes way too fast.

"Hazel! Come here now!"

I huff hearing Harry call me from the other room, I swear if he calls me to get him a beer I won't be afraid to repeat what I did to him before, I'm no jokes anymore.

"What is up with you? I clearly told you to come here more then four times and you're still standing there like a fucking statue!"

I turn to see a fuming Harry walking towards me with his dark eyes narrowing down at me. He's almost trying to scare me but it's not working because I learned all his little games and tricks he played on me.

"I'm done being your slave!" I call out.

I push past him hard making him stumble back with eyes that are widen and no longer dark. He follows me into the living room where the boys are and harshly grabs my wrist, I jerk back at his force of yanking me back.

"Don't you ever walk away from me, little girl."

I look into his eyes giving him the most disturbing death glare as he spits the words at me, I watch his eyes flicker down to my lips and back at my eyes almost repeating this movement.

"I'm not a little girl and don't tell me what to do you disgusting monster!" I spar kneeing him right in the place that no men wants to be hit at, his hands are now covering his lower region with a pain expression taking over his face.

I take the chance to grab his car keys running out of the house to find his black SUV that's now parked behind his house, I'm obviously gonna have to drive because it's better and I can get away faster. "Get her!!" I hear Harry scream from inside.

I take the chance to hop in the car and turn it on, I put it in reverse backing up as fast as I can. Note to self that I'm doing all of this barefooted and it isn't really easy especially when you're in a fast pace.

I turn around to see the boys running after me and Harry obviously a little behind. I reach the locked gate but luckily it was already open probably because the boys just came. I speed off feeling a big weight slide off shoulders, finally I got away.

I look in the rear view mirror to see another SUV speeding down the road trying to reach my limit. I spot Harry in the drivers seat with an angry expression along with the rest of the boys struggling to calm him down.

I'm almost near the city and I feel excitement run through my body but instantly gets removed with fear when I feel a harsh bump from behind me, obviously Harry hitting my bumper trying to make me lose control.

I take sharp turn making the tires screech and the car slowly sliding to gain control. I continue speeding down the unknown trying to find my way back home, I think I finally lost them.

Just when I thought I did I hear a loud screech from behind me and the engines roaring to get to same limit I am in, It almost feels like I'm going around a circles because the streets look exactly the same.

Another hard bump hits me from behind and that made me officially lose control of the steering wheel letting the car fly off the road, I feel the car roll down a hill and I'm trying not to let darkness take over my sight. I wait until the car stops rolling feeling glass stick on my arm and most likely bruises forming all around, I hear a loud 'ss' noise making me panic.

This thing is gonna explode any minute.

I quickly take off my seatbelt trying to climb out of the window but feel my leg get stuck and tangled with the seatbelt. I try untangling it fast but with hands that are shaking doesn't help.

My heart drops when I smell smoke filling my nose, I cough at the strong scent and try untangling the seatbelt from my leg one more time but it's no use, It's now a knot. I can already feel the heat and I know that this car is on fire.

"Help! Help!" I yell trying to yank my leg one more time as tears flow down my cheek. I knew this wasn't a good idea but all I wanted to do was see me family one last time.

The smoke becomes heavy and I continue coughing slowly losing it, my eyes flutter close letting darkness finally take over me

Obsessed  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora