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Remade the ending because the last one made absolutely no sense.

"This is my happy ending until.."

Hazel's POV

I watched Zayn kneel down as I turn around from looking at the fireworks, his brown twinkling eyes shining up at me full of love and adore. The man I loved and saved me kneeling down in front of me ready to propose.

"Hazel Campbell, I know we've been through  hell with our lives.." He says with a light chuckle.

"But, My heart stayed with you and my love for you is massive. You are my life and I don't have any idea what my life would be like if I didn't run into you, I'm thankful to have you in my life to make me happy. So, Hazel Campbell.. will you marry me?" He asks with a smile that gives me a bubbly feeling in my stomach.

I gasp nodding my head with my hands across my lips trembling, "Yes, of course!"

He smiles with his bright teeth pushing the ring on my finger letting it sparkle bright enough for me to notice, he gets up dusting off his pants and giving my a tight bear hug letting butterflies fill my stomach.

My hands wrap around his neck and my face hidden, "I love you."

"I love you more."

After our little dinner we get back home where our family is seated in the kitchen, I watch Trisha come over to me with happiness in her eyes, to me she seems like bubbly and self-obsessed but she is Zayn's mother so I have to get used to it.

"Did he propose already?" She says smiling at me with her straight white shinning teeth. I nod my head chucking at her and my mom's excitement, I know my mom has been waiting for this moment the tears and the smile on her face says it all.

My father comes to my side giving my a hug that I was not expecting, my arms instantly wrap around his neck giving him a tight hug, my father hardly hugs me and to receive one from especially with everything I've been through makes me feel loved and happy.

"Don't start crying or you'll make me cry," I choke out with tears running down my cheeks as well, we laugh together with my arms wrapped around his muscular neck with my mom taking an unexpected picture of us together. I feel happy and proud, even successful because this is what I wanted.

"Oh my god!" I hear Sam scream from in the living room, I dash to the room and see her hands on her mouth with fear in her eyes. She points to the television and I swear at that second my stomach dropped, I nearly threw up. I hear everyone by my side looking at the television in shock, but I took one glance at Zayn and Trisha, Trisha looked more shock then anyone in the whole living-room. Her eyes and mouth were widen and she let out a shaky breath.

"Harry Edward Styles, sent in asylum nearly a year ago, now escaped. Insiders recently told us he escaped yesterday midnight along with two others with him, I advice everyone to please keep all doors and windows locked. Please stay safe." The broadcaster says, I move my attention to my mom as they still continue to speak of the incident, my parents looks as if they've seen a ghost. My own heart is pounding extremely fast and my throat tightening at the mentioning of his name and escape in the same sentence.

"Call the police. we need her to be protected.." My mom demands my dad who reaches his pocket taking out his smartphone and punching in numbers.

Sam walks in struggling with a ginormous box and quickly dropping it on the table, I turn to her confused and all she does is shrug and points to the box.

"I-I found it at the door, It's probably from Harry.." She stutters backing away, my hands touch the box, it felt like sandpaper on my skin but my hand automatically gets pulled away by my mom.

"Don't touch it! It could be a bomb or something.. You don't know what that lunatics capable to do to us, especially to you." She rants, I swallow hard backing away and my dad grabs the box taking it out to the yard, I quietly follow along without the others and watch my dad slowly rip open the box.

His eyes widen as he takes out what seems to be pictures from the box, "What in the world.."

Running to his side I try to look at the pictures but my dad diverted away, "No way you're gonna see these. It'll freak you out even more, we need to burn this shit."

I sigh checking the box one last time to see two other photos, I pick them up and scan through them to only see one picture of Zayn and I together and the other with Zayn's face burned out and just mine perfectly the same, no scratches. I turn over the picture to see a full written letter on it,

My Dear Hazel,

You left me. You left me for that fucking jerk, You're supposed to be mine. You are mine, But that's okay, my dear. I'll let you have the time you need just know that you can run, you can hide but you'll always be mine. Say bye-bye to your little fiancé because as soon as daddy finds you you're never leaving me again and that's a fucking promise.

- H.S.

I drop the paper and run back in the house, he's coming back. He's actually coming back for me.


Ok, Their is a Sequel to it. So, Stay tuned. Also I'm putting up a new story today so make sure to look at that if you want me to do a Sequel!!❤️

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