Chapter 8

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Frustrated: (Adjective)
Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, Especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
"She's mine now" -H

I stare at him waiting for him to burst out laughing claiming it's a joke but I'm pretty sure he's serious considering the look on his face right now, His eyebrows knit together and his pink bubble gum colored lips in a straight line.

"Haha, seriously.. Where is Anne?"

He stays silent not answering my question making me stand back up and grab my purse, if he doesn't want to answer me then I guess I'll just leave him here. Right before I even get to open the door he finally clear his throat speaking, I turn my head towards him making my hair sway in the other direction.

"Anne isn't coming." He spits out making my blood boil, I wasted my gas to come here for nothing. This has got to be some kind of joke.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you even here?" I question with anger lacing through my voice. This boy must be fooling around with me right now and it isn't funny.

"I'm her son."

"That's funny because I remember Anne told me she has one son and his name is Tommy!" I scoff.

"That's a lie because I'm her only son!" He spits out coming closer.

I move back a bit making my way back to the door where I was before, I gotta leave this place before drama starts to happen and I'm not ready.

"I'll just go then." I mutter before opening the door but immediately gets slammed shut by Harry, I turn to see his breathing pace quicken.

"You, You aren't going anywhere, I didn't come this far for you to leave me!" He yells making me flinch in fear. I push him out of the way but get pulled by the waist into his chest, I kick him multiple times but doesn't seem to hurt him.

"You are not going any fucking where so sit your arse down before I do something I won't regret doing." He yells, my eyes widen and I immediately sit from the tone of his voice.

I already hate him, actually I've hated him since the beginning. Also, How is Anne not concerned about this. Did she set me up on purpose with this psycho.

"Let me go." I glare up at him.

He sighs angrily towering over me with dark green eyes glaring at me.

"You just don't get it do you?" He says.

My head tilts in confusion as I start squirming in my seat uncomfortable with what's gonna happen next.

"Anne set you up for me. I'm the one that wants you, I'm the one that needs you." He confesses, my jaw drops open and my heart begins pounding loud in my chest.

How can he possibly need me if he just met me not even a week ago, Please don't tell me I already have a creepy stalker here in London. Right when I thought everything would be perfect here.

I bite my lip looking away,

"Sorry to tell you but I'm only interested in girls.." I try to make a believable lie.

He snorts, "Babe.. Don't lie. I remember your first crush.. stop the lying." He mutters rolling his green eyes. That's kinda weird, no actually that's extremely weird.


"Ok...That's creepy" I freak out taking a step away from him, How does he know that? I never even told my best friends about my crushes.

He grabs my wrist tightly most likely bruising my arm, I whimper as he drags me into a different room and immediately locks the door when we enter.

It came to realization that this isn't a joke and he's actually kidnapping me. I don't know if I should panic or run. Maybe both? No. Right now isn't the right time. I'll just go along with his little plan then bam, when the right moment comes I'll run away and eventually get him locked up.

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