Chapter 28

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"Ready or not here I come."-H


"Hey, wake up pretty girl!"

I groan hearing a soft husky English voice wake me up from my peaceful sleep, I rub my eyes trying to gain my sight back and not keep this blurry one.

My sight finally comes back revealing a flawless man with sparkling light brown eyes burning into mine, His jawline is extremely sharp and fits him perfectly. His tan smooth skin is covered with blank ink tattoos as well.

My mind starts to function and confusion runs in me, I'm supposed to be dead right now. That car was on fire yesterday and I was in it. I'm supposed to be dead by now.

Unless, he's an angel.

He clears his throat fluttering his eyelashes and looking down at me, "I-I saved you.."

"Last night, Your car was on fire and I thought the person was dead but I ended up pulling you out and untangling your leg minutes before the car exploded. Also, this man was walking around looking suspicious so I just decided to take you to my place." He explains.

I gasp covering my mouth, this man helped me minutes before my death.

"Oh my, You saved me? Thank you so much." I thank him and grip his hand in mine.

I get up feeling sharp pain in my leg but ignore it giving him the tightest hug I could, butterflies erupt in my stomach as I give him the best hug I could.

He gives me a wide smile showing off his perfectly straight white teeth as his eyes shine into mine, I blush probably turning red in front of him but that doesn't matter. I need to call my family right now.

"Where exactly am I? I was kidnapped, could I use your phone as well to check on my family and hopefully get a plane ticket from them back home or I could just call th-"

Zayn cuts me off before I could say anything else.

"You got kidnapped? We need to call the police now, their is no time for your family. This guy needs to get locked up right away before he comes back!" Zayn says pulling out his phone and punching in the police number.

I try to get up but look down to see my leg wrapped up and my arm full of bandages, I look in the mirror beside me to see my hair in a bun and a little bandage on my chin.

Zayn must've cleaned me up while I was passed out, I can not thank him enough for what he has done. He saved my life from a psychotic guy and a horrible accident.

I look at Zayn confused, he told them to come fast for some reason. Maybe because he thinks my kidnapper is after me, he could be after me or probably kidnapping other people or even killing them like what he said before.

"So, cops are on they're way, after we talk to the police we can call your family. First we need to keep you safe from this psycho so he won't come back," Zayn says running his fingers through his perfect hair.

I nod my head letting Zayn show me to the bathroom giving me a toothbrush and a brush for my hair, he also gives me some clothes his sister bought but couldn't fit.

I grab the clothes I picked out and locking the bathroom door to change, I pull on a white short no-sleeves shirt along with a brown leather cardigan. Lastly I put on skinny ankle length jeans with styled boots matching my cardigan.

I brush my teeth and don't bother doing any makeup since I really don't have any, I brush my hair into a tight ponytail making sure no baby hairs are sticking out.

I hear soft talking from downstairs and I follow the noise down the stairs, I spot Zayn speaking to two cops sitting on the couch. Their heads snap in my direction and Zayn motions me to come and sit.

"This is Hazel!" Zayn says as I take my seat beside him looking like a lost puppy.

"We're gonna send you guys to the police station to get this all figured out. They could keep you safe until we find this crazy guy on the lose," The cop says looking at me. I nod my head picking at my fingernail, my stomach flips when I feel Zayn rub his hands on my back almost like he's comforting me which is actually helping, It's nice seeing people this caring on this earth because the world deserves more people like him.

Zayn grabs his keys and I follow the cops outside going inside Zayn's car instead, It's not comfortable being in the backseat of a cop car. I watch Zayn lock the door and quickly goes inside to car making sure the door unlocks for me as well.

He gives me a small smile and I return it back as well, This time Harry is definitely getting locked up and their is no stopping us from getting him because he's right in the tip of my fingers now instead of me being in the tip of his fingers.

You asked for it, Harry.

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