Chapter 5

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"I was hoping maybe if I could get your number so we could hang out again, maybe?" He says running his fingers through his curly locks, I stare at him with disbelief.

Did he seriously really follow me around just for my number?

I pull out my phone as he pulls out his as well. I decided to just give it to him since I clearly don't have any friends around here, I also didn't want him to continue following me.

I watch as he types on my phone with his full attention on my phone as he licks his pink lips. I take the time to admire what he's wearing and it's kinda a wierd style but it works on him, he is good looking so it fits him perfectly.

"Here you go" He says handing me my phone back with a creepy grin on his face once again, I awkwardly wave before slowly moving back to my car.

"See you again, darling!" He says as I slowly nod my head and hop into my car. He's very creepy but I can't always judge someone but I know when someone is creepy and he is one creepy person.

• • •

"What do you want for dinner?" My mom says as she walks into with kitchen with me following right behind her. She ties her chocolate brown hair in a perfect ponytail before looking into the freezer.

I shrug my shoulders not knowing what I even want to eat, usually I would order a pizza for myself or I'd sneak off to McDonald's with the money I get from allowance.

I take out my phone out of my back pocket and turn it on typing my password in as usual, Sam has a habit trying to get into my phone and nearly locked me out multiple times. I look over all my new messages but a certain one catches my eye.

"It was nice seeing your beautiful face today, Maybe we could have a cup of coffee again?"

I slowly reread it multiple times already knowing it's Harry, I'm not that interesting but why not give him another time to be with, I take my time typing down my answer.

"Had a good time too and of course!"

I send it to him and sit back on my chair, At least I'm being nice most people would probably back out and not even respond if someone followed you just to get your number but I'm just being a nice person.

"Can I take you out tomorrow night? -H"

I sit there stunned at the text, maybe I shouldn't have respond because their is many things that could supposedly happen if I go with him. He could murder me for all I know or even rape me. I decided not to respond and put my focus back onto my mother which she was now cooking my favorite dish, her favorite homemade chicken alfredo.

I feel the vibration from my phone and I look down at my phone one last time but this time it freaked me out what he messaged me.

"Don't try to act like you didn't see this message, I'm trying to go easy on you. -H"

What does he mean by going easy on me? Is he gonna do something if I don't respond.

What of he tries something on me or even kidnaps me. Very funny, I should stop jumping to conclusions. I turn off my phone and toss it on the couch before walking back inside the kitchen and helping my mother cook.

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