Chapter 43

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"Baby, Look what you've done to me.."-H


My eyes flutter open and I sit up rubbing them, I look around to not see Zayn in sight. He must be downstairs cooking breakfast because the sweet smell of pancakes is filling my nose making my stomach growls, I hope this would he something I wake up to for the rest of my life without Harry in it.

Hopefully, Zayn and I could have a bright future ahead. It would be nice to have Zayn with me for the rest of my life with every footstep we make.

Memories flow in my mind from last night, last night; Zayn and I had a movie nut with popcorn and other junk food, it was something unforgettable and the fact that I didn't know how to do anything he requested made me feel like dumb.

Zayn makes me happy, He makes me forget everything Harry has done to me and it just makes me happy that someone was brought into my life to make that smile grow back on my face.

I chuckle at the memory and my clueless mind, I stretch my body letting the pop noise let aloud. I should go brush my teeth before going downstairs.

I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth and brush my hair as well just so I won't look like a lion. I trail downstairs and smell the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, Wait.. Zayn doesn't cook. He can't really cook the best.

I turn the corner and enter the kitchen, A gasp comes from my mouth when I see Zayn cooking pancakes but not only that, Black smoke is filling the air most likely coming from the toaster.

Yea, That's the Zayn I know.

"Zayn, you killed the toaster.." I mumble, He turns around with a shocked expression and moves over to the killed toaster.

"Or maybe the toaster is being a fucker and won't work for me," He grumbles. I laugh walking over to the toaster and see two waffles shoved inside.

"You have to put them in gently not shove them in there, dork." I giggle unplugging the toaster and moving it out of the way.

"Thanks for the advice, babe." Zayn says rolling his eyes in a playful way, At least he can cook pancakes correctly without burning the house down.


Short chapter, Sorry!!❤️

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