Chapter 42

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A/n: I changed the previous chapter by adding in more details. It was too short so I added in a bit more.

Once I find him.. I'm gonna kill him!"-H


Liam dating Harry's sister?

This is just terrible, she's probably working with him and finding a way to get me back to Harry which is not gonna happen. I'm in love with Zayn and nothing can stop me from being in love with him. Harry has this dark side that freaks me out and I can't stay with someone that threatens to kill a person over anything.

"Could I speak to you?" Liam says getting up, I look over at Zayn waiting for his approval but he hesitates to answer so I make my own decision and get up to speak to him. It's obviously gonna be about Harry and Anne being locked up.

We reach the a mini hallway where the bathroom is. He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose trying to find a way to speak to me in a proper tone.

"I hope you know Harry is making another plan to find you.."

I gasp covering my mouth with wide eyes, this just has to happen right when I feel comfortable about my life and how it is going so far.

"He also thinks you're engaged with Zayn so he is after him to kill him.." Liam continues. My breath hitches once again at the mention of Zayn getting hurt.

"Sorry.." He apologizes.

Harry is being completely ridiculous right now. Why can't he just let me be happy and feel loved by someone that I love? I can't be with him and he needs to know that. He already hurt me and others now he wants to hurt more innocent people especially Zayn the person I love.

"Are you apart of this? Did you come t-"

"O-of course not. I wanted to get away from Harry as well. I didn't wanna hurt the guy. If I didn't then I'll get hurt myself by that dark monster!" Liam complains. I nod my head trying to get all of the information he told me function in my head.


"You're probably wondering about Gemma?" I nod my head at the mention of Gemma. It sends shivers down my spine knowing she is related to Harry, I hope she knows her brother isn't the sweetest at the moment especially towards Zayn and I.

"I-I.. uh, met Harry before Gemma, She never liked Harry nor her mother. She always lived with her dad because Harry would always threaten her and Anne did not mind, Harry had a drug addiction. So he would always threaten Gemma for money so he could buy him drugs. Gemma lived in America with her father and that's probably where he found you, By going to America each month for money from Gemma.."


"So what made you hang out with Harry?" I question confused. He had no reason to hang out or hurt Zayn with Harry if he didn't like him.

"I met Harry to get closer to Gemma, I thought he was a nice dude at first turns out he is very controlling and rude.." He sighs scratching the back of his neck.

"Has Harry ever been locked up before?" Trying to change the fact that Gemma is Harry's sister. I don't trust her, I feel as if she's working for him.

"Yes. A couple of times for drugs and murder but he recently escaped.."

That explains so much, It also explains his obsession and how possessive he is. Not only that but it also explains why he kills people, He probably has no feelings when he does kill people.

My mouth is dropped and I'm guessing my eyes are widen as well,

"You're joking?" I mumble. He shakes his head confirming that Harry has been locked up before.

"Where is he now?" I ask not wanting to hear him say our area because if he does then we're basically screwed.

"I-I'm not sure..." He shrugs.

I nod my head walking back to the table. I don't wanna hear anymore about Harry, I just want to stay at home with Zayn's arms wrapped protectively around me.

I watch Zayn's eyes wonder over to be full of concern, He's probably wondering what Liam and I were talking about but I should just tell him when we get home. I don't wanna ruin Niall's date. I just want this night to be over with and forget the fact that someone wants Zayn dead. He's too sweet for this world.

"So.. You're Hazel?.." Gemma mumbles, My eyes widen at her words. How she said it was so mysterious and creepy. I knew it, I just know that she is working for Harry and I can feel it crawling in my skin.

Forget the dinner, we gotta get out of here.

"I'm not feeling too good, Zayn. Could we maybe go? I'm sorry Niall but I just feel a bit sick at the moment.." I say trying to make this lie the best.

Zayn's face turns confused but he immediately gets along with it.

"Leaving so soon?.." Gemma questions with an innocent look, I nod my head grabbing Zayn's hand and Niall's as well. I can't let Niall get hurt either. This is a big setup and I know it is, I'm not that dumb.

"You're too late.." Gemma mouths with a smirking Liam, I stand up tightening my hands around Zayn's and Niall's wrist

I take one last look at Gemma, "He's coming.." She mouths. I drag Niall and Zayn literally running out of the restaurant not really caring if my hips bump tables.


Another update??

Drama more Drama.

Harry is coming back but crazier then before.

I haven't updated in a while!!

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