Chapter 25 ~ Now

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Mum heaves my suitcase into the boot of my car with exaggerated effort. She is being dramatic because she is sulking.

"Are you sure you don't want me to make you a coffee before you leave? Or I could whip up some cookies it won't take long."

This affectionate part of her still creeps me out.

I drop my shoulders with a defeated smirk. "I have to get going, I don't want to be travelling in the dark."

She nods an understanding but reluctant smile. She notices something over my shoulder and winks playfully, before heading back inside. I turn around to face William O'Brien.

"Nora please just talk to me. I heard you were leaving town again and I want have the chance to explain everything to you. You didn't deserve this, not from me. I have been so heartless I never wanted things to go this far. You've been dodging me since New year-"

"Just stop, William. I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"Nora please don't be like thi-"

I hold up my hand and frown. "I said enough. I'm done with this and I'm done with you."

He sighs and looks up at my house.  I know his look because I know what he is doing. He is remembering my home. He is remembering the memories. He is remembering me.

"Mia did love you, Nora, for a long time. I never knew and she never told me. She never told anyone. You have to understand how hurt she was by everything. I know it's no excuse for what she has been doing, but heartbreak makes people crazy. I hope you can forgive us one day, because I have forgiven you. I still love you after everything."

I am softened to the point where I am no longer frowning. I simply nod. He nods back, then leaves in silence. I watch him walk away, not trying to remember him but rather, trying to forget.

Just as I am about to go say my final goodbye to my mother, Rose appears from around the corner of the block. As she walks closer I can't stop thinking about how much I've missed her all this time but was too busy with the O'Briens to notice.

"All ready to leave then?"

"Yeah. Mum is having an emotional breakdown about me for the first time in her life."

"You guys have really got close this summer, huh?"

"We have. I'm glad for it."

She eyes me, seeming to find it hard to find the right words. "I'm here because I didn't want to let you off without a goodbye this time."

I smile. "I'm sorry. You have to know how sorry I am about the things I've done and the way I've treated you. You have always known what was best and half the time I never listened to you."

She shrugs. "It's ok. Your life is pretty entertaining from an outsiders perspective."

I close the space between us and hug her tight. "You didn't get me a lame bracelet as a goodbye present that means something really deep, did you?"

"God no, what kind of friend do you think I am?" She giggles.

So we laugh at our own stupidity for a few seconds because it is the easiest thing to do in this moment. It is easier than crying.

"Goodbye Nora. Please keep in touch."

"We all know that won't happen, Rosie." I wink at her and wave her off down the street.

Mum comes out of the house like she was waiting for Rose to leave.

"Bye sweetheart, have a safe trip. Call me when you get back on campus. I love you so much." She kisses my forehead and pulls me into her motherly embrace.

"Bye Mum. I love you too."

I get into my rusty, old, paint faded car and start the engine. It sputters to life, making me smile out of love. Before I can release the handbrake, my phone buzzes on the passenger seat.

Bee: Are U leaving yet?

I smile and message her back.

Me: Stop being so impatient, I'll get to the city when I get there.

Bee: Ok captain obvious

As it turned out, Billie is starting her first year of university in the same city where I am finishing my last year of school. It was my ray of light in this pool of darkness I had been drowning in. It was a new year and I had a new friend to begin it with.

As I look up to pull away from the curb, I notice a pink box sitting on the bonnet of my car. I wind down my window and reach around to grab it. A yellow sticky note is stuck to the lid.


The dot above the 'I' was a love heart. I tear off the note and flip open the box to admire the perfectly sized, golden, sugar coated doughnuts. I stare at them before sitting the box on the seat beside me and driving towards town. I leave my window down and enjoy the smell of salt mixed with seaweed and sand.

I park at the foreshore beside the jetty and climb out, taking the doughnuts with me. I approach the bin and drop the entire box inside.

I am taking nothing with me. I want no reminders of the people who have done me wrong, and that I have once done wrong too. I look out at the ocean and say goodbye for now, because I know I will be back for my mum.

I smile at the bin containing the doughnuts as I head back to my car; thinking to myself that life isn't a doughnut, and therefore should not be sugar coated.


And that's a wrap people! It all comes full circle, everyone is happy (except for the people who died) and I even used the title of the book in the writing. Well done me. Clap clap for Sian.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad this is over. It never turned out how I really wanted. But who cares now it's over and I cbf going back to change it all.

What's done is done. We all learn from our mistakes. Except Nora, she stupid.

Ok I think I'm done here. I hope you enjoyed this train wreck of a story.

Bye! Xx

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