Chapter 1 ~ After

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A flutter of unease began somewhere in the pit of my stomach.

I had been back in Ester Beach less than twenty-four hours, and here I was, running my finger over the scar that travelled down the side of my vehicle. I could almost hear the sound of the key being dragged along the metal, peeling back my green paint work with ease.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I groan.


"Nora, honey, I sent you to the supermarket, not the moon."

"Are you sure you don't want me to go to the moon? I think I'd like it there. Complete isolation? Sounds pretty great!"

"Sweetie, I can feel your sarcastic aura through the phone and it's really messing with the serenity I built up from meditation this morning."

"I wasn't being sarcastic. The moon does sound great!"

"See you soon then?" Mum asks, and I can tell she rolled her eyes at me.

I sigh and climb into my car, turning the key a few times before it sputters to life. The aircon blows refreshing cool air onto me, letting my hot, sweaty skin return to a somewhat normal temperature.

I drive towards home, scanning the streets carefully in fear of someone seeing me drive past. I have been busying myself unpacking since yesterday afternoon and haven't even needed to leave the house before now.

My crappy car beeps at me and I look down at the fuel gage, the needle balancing on empty.

Great. Another chance for people to notice me and realise I'm back in town.

I turn down the Main Street then pull into the tiny service station. I climb out and start filling up my car, silently encouraging the pump to flow faster.



I turn around and am met by the incredibly beautiful Mia O'Brien. Her burgundy coloured bob-cut hair swirls around her face in the cool breeze. She peers at me curiously with her ashy grey eyes.

"Mia." I say as she steps towards me from the door of the shop.

"Nora." She repeats as she leans in to hug me.

A very familiar scent fills my nostrils and I inhale it like a drug. She smells like the O'Brien house. The house I used to spend most of my time in before everything happened.

"You're back?" She asks, stepping away and scanning over me.

Admittedly, I've gained a few kilos over the last year since I stopped swimming. I feel self conscious under her gaze. She looks even prettier than I remember.

"Just for the summer." I reply, taking the pump nozzle out of my car and hooking it back to the pump.

"Cool," she says, then quickly, "I bet you missed it back here by the ocean."

We look at each other's eyes for a long moment, the history of friendship bubbling to the surface.

"I have, but definitely not the ever present smell of seaweed."

She smiles effortlessly. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss that either."

She looks down at her chipped nail polish and chews her lip. Various bracelets and bangles cover her wrists and up her forearms, rings on every finger. I can't remember a time when she didn't wear all that jewellery. It was an extension of her skin.

"I guess I'll see you around then?" I offer.

She looks up at me again, "I guess you will."

Glad that I haven't run into anyone else, a.k.a Will, I get back in my lemon of a car and head home. As I'm driving, I notice a fluorescent green sticky note stuck under my windscreen wiper. When I pull into my driveway, I get out and pluck it from behind the wiper.

Slut is written in inky bold capitals in the centre. Nothing else on the note other than the one word. Slut.

I screw it up in my fist and shove it into the pocket of my denim shorts. Grabbing the groceries from the back seat, I trudge into the house. As soon as the back door shuts behind me, I lean against it and close my eyes. I can feel my heart pushing hard against my ribs, my ears hot and ringing.

"Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter..." I chant to myself.

"Nora? Are you ok?" Mum drifts into the hallway and scans me worriedly.

".....Saturn, Uranus, Neptune...." I take deep breaths.

"What happened?" Mum asks when I've calmed down.

"I screwed up, Mum. That's what happened. It was a huge mistake coming back here."

"It is only for the summer, sweetpea. I was hardly going to let you hide out alone in your dorm room for six weeks."

"Being alone is my specialty."

"I think you need some green tea to calm your anxiety." She ushers me towards the kitchen, rubbing my shoulder soothingly as we walk. "Everything is going to be fine."

"Uh, Mum?"

"Yes dear?"

"Someone keyed my car."


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