Chapter 14 ~ Before

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I'd thought I was sick or maybe I was getting my period, but it was neither. It was the overwhelming feeling of guilt that had buried itself deep in my stomach like an infested parasite.

Had I told Will about what happened? No.

Things were getting better, I could feel it. After that night when we fought and I thought it was over, he came to me the next day and begged for my forgiveness. He promised change, he promised he wouldn't ever hurt me.

Our one year anniversary was coming up, maybe that was what made him come to his senses. Whatever it was, I was thankful for it. I never meant to lose him or push him away at all

I had also promised myself I would change. I would be more understanding and listen to him and what he wanted. It was all going to be ok.

I just had one more thing to do.


I push open the back door to the bakery, glad to be out of the cold and in the warmth of the O'Brien's shop. Mia was making what looked like dough on the kitchen bench.

"Hi," I offer a smile even though she isn't looking.

"Hey," she turns and smiles, "how are you?"

"Good, you?"

"Great actually."

She seems extra happy today. I haven't had the chance to talk to her since the other night when we.....slept together.

She comes over to hug me tightly, her bracelets jingling and her perfume surrounding me. I briefly hug her back before stepping away.

"Listen, Mia. I wanted to talk about the other night."

She nods for me to continue with an almost hopeful smile on her face.

"You haven't mentioned it to anyone, have you?"

"No, but I thought we could tell Will together." 

"What? No I don't want anyone to ever find out. It was just a stupid mistake and I don't want to ruin what I have with Will."

She pulls a face like someone just slapped her. "I thought you two broke up?"

"So did I. But we talked and figured it out and we are going to stay together. What I did with you.....what we was a dumb accident that should have never happened. So if we could keep it just between us, that would be great."

She is silent, her eyes blank and staring.


She looks at me, and I swear I can see her eyes filling with tears.

"Of course. I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you. Just a stupid mistake that meant nothing. No one needs to know." I nod in satisfaction.

She quickly turns from me and wipes a hand under her eyes.

"Are you ok?"

She sniffs then replies, "Was that the door? I have to serve this customer, I'll see you later,"

She goes through the doorway into the main part of the shop and I'm left alone in the kitchen. I frown, confused about what just happened and pretty sure I didn't hear the door bell.

But more than anything, I was glad I had fixed my problems and everything was back on track, just the way I wanted it.


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