Chapter 10 ~ Before

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A/N: I accidentally wrote the O'Brien's dad name as Max, but it's actually Brett. Sorry for the confusion, it has now been changed.

I'm snuggled under Will's arm, my head resting on his chest.

One of his favourite movies is playing on tv so I'm compliantly watching it. I cherish the moments we aren't fighting now, which I suppose is really sad. Brett is starting to get better now so the strain is a little less, but still there.

A commercial break comes on and Will lifts my chin to kiss my lips. I return the kiss, and he suddenly flips over so he is supporting himself on top of me. He pulls me as close as he can and I tangle my fingers in his hair. A hand is on my hip and edging along the waistband of my pants. I become very aware of it but continue to kiss him. My hands slip under his shirt and run up his sides, feeling the muscles roll under his skin.

His thumb dips into my underwear, and although it feels nice, I pull away.

"What's wrong?" He asks quickly.

"I just um....." We watch each others eyes carefully, "I don't know."

"Are you on your period?" He asks bluntly.

"No, but..."

He pushes his soft lips against mine once again, trying to convince me.

"Will," I manage to say.

All in one movement, he pulls away and flips off of me, almost back in the position we were before. His arm is no longer around me and my head has moved to the couch pillow instead of his chest.

"Fine, whatever." He states and stares intensely at the TV.

"Why are you being like that." I frown.

"I'm not being like anything."

"Yeah you-"

"Hey kids!" Mia bounds into the lounge room smiling. She has her new bracelets covering up her arms and her black rimmed glasses on. A lot of people don't know she needs glasses as she usually wears contacts.

"Hey," I greet her as she ruffles my hair playfully.

"What movie?"

I look to Will for the answer as I don't know, but he is ignoring us. Mia looks between us from her place on the other couch and raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug with a sad look and her eyes soften.

"You guys want doughnuts?"

"I'm trying to eat better, I have some competitions coming up."

"Your weight is fine, Nora, please have one." Mia places her hands together in a begging gesture.

"Ok then." I roll my eyes with a smile and she leaps up excitedly to bring me one.

I turn again to Will. "I'm sorry, ok?"


"This is the part where you say sorry too." I grumble.


I know he doesn't mean it, he probably thinks he did nothing wrong. But if me just saying sorry and accepting it means we won't fight, that is what I will do. I'm so terrified of losing Will and I have been for months. So much so that I'm willing to sacrifice my pride and ego in order to keep the peace. Saying sorry will fix things and he will stay with me. I can't lose him.

Mia returns with the cinnamon coated doughnuts and we eat silently. She holds my eye contact, trying to figure what has happened between me and Will. I put a finger to my lips and tap them. I watch her think then she grabs her own breast, squeezes it, and nods at me, while trying not to laugh. I snigger and nod to confirm her suspicions of what Will and I fought about.

"I'm not blind, or stupid." Will states, making Mia and I's eyes widen.

Oops, he saw us.

Mia can't help herself, her cinnamon coated lips parting and letting out a contagious laugh. I try my best not to laugh too, not wanting to annoy Will or make him angry. But as I look at him, I realise he is reluctantly smiling too. I take that as permission to laugh and join Mia in a fit of giggles.

The three of us laugh together, the joyous sound filling the room like music to my ears.

"What's going on in here?"

We all turn to the doorway where Brett stands, Cassie right behind him.

"Dad!" Mia exclaims and jumps from her chair to hug him.

He hasn't been at home in months. Seeing him at the door with his suitcase and not in a hospital bed is even a relief for me. I never had a dad, but having Brett is the next best thing.

I turn to Will, expecting him to be up from the couch by now. He is already looking at me, a smile on his face. His focus is completely on me as if his dad didn't just walk in the door after months of being hospital bound.

"I love you." He whispers.

It wasn't the first time he'd said it, but this time it felt different. I couldn't figure out what exactly it was, but I had a feeling the fighting was finally over.

"Love you too." I whisper back, then he kisses my forehead and gets up to go over and embrace his dad.

I follow him with a joyful grin and hug Brett too, glad everything was going to finally get better again.


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