Chapter 5 ~ Before

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We fell into a fit of laughter.

Mia turned down the music on her iPod doc as I wiped my tears of joy.

"He's such a creep!"

"You secretly love that you have a stalker, Mia." I pop a piece of popcorn into my mouth with a cheeky grin.

"Ew!" She pokes out her tongue.

I laugh again then scavenge our pile of snacks for the chocolate.

"My brother has been weird lately, everything alright with you two?" She turns the conversation serious.

Mia is the most observant of the two siblings. Will was observant as well, but in the more sensitive, defensive kind of way. For example, he would pick up the slightest eye roll if we were fighting and take it as a severe personal attack.

"We had a fight," I admit. There was no point lying to her, and I felt like she would never judge me no matter what I told her.


"Yeah." I trail off.

"What was it this time?"

I sigh. "Well it started off about physical stuff-"


"Like sex and all that. He said he wanted to do all these things with me but I said I wasn't ready and he thinks I keep making up new excuses as to why. Then it came back to the same thing it always does."

"He still won't talk about the future, huh?"

I nod, "I wish he would just tell me what he's thinking."

"That's just it, Nors, he doesn't think."

"I don't like fighting with him." I rest my head against her shoulder and stretch my legs out over her comfy bed.

I loved this bed. Mia used to have a single but I chipped in half the money and she bought a double. I used to sleep on her floor on a blow up mattress and a sleeping bag. But I began staying over a lot more when I got into high school and especially now that I'm dating Will, so it made sense for Mia to upsize her bed to accommodate me.

"You guys will make up." she strokes my messy hair and kisses the side of my head, "You always do."

I feel completely comfortable with Mia. She is my un-biological sister who has a big heart and a wise mind. Being a year older than Will and I, she always seems to know everything and is my go-to for advice on anything. It's a judgement free relationship, one that I couldn't live without.

It's different with Rose. Rose is of course my best friend and I tell her almost everything, but I've only known her since the end of primary school, compared to Mia who I've known my whole life. Rose is always there for me, but she is quick to put in her opinion which is often a judgemental one, like I was getting a lecture from my mother.

There is a quiet knock at the door then Cassie's head appears.

"I'm going to bed now girls." She says as she steps fully into the room.

She wears a silky dressing gown over her button pyjama top and drawstring pants. Pink fluffy slippers cover her feet.

"Goodnight Cass" I smile at her as she comes over to kiss my forehead.

She moves around the bed and does the same to Mia. "Night sweetheart."

"Night Mum. Did you feed Aristotle?"

"I did. Now don't be up too late, you have school in the morning." Cassie replies before closing the door softly behind her.

I always got affection from this family. It wasn't like my own mum doesn't love me, but I always felt as if she was more of just a relative or a roommate than a mother. But here, I always received enough hugs and kisses from everyone to last me a life time.

"How is that axolotl even still alive?"

"Don't doubt my poor old Aristotle. He's been a good pet to me all these years."

I giggle at her as I climb under the covers. She climbs under them too and we pull them over our heads. She switches on her flashlight and it illuminates the small space. The rays cast shadows over her perfect features and highlights her flawless skin. Despite how perfect she is, and how imperfect I am, I'm not jealous of her. I love her too much to have any negative feelings towards her.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" She blinks with a turned up lip.

"I don't know." I shake it away and change the subject. "How's your classes going?"

"Yeah, ok. I'm chill about it all."

"How is it that you are chill about absolutely everything?" I laugh, "You have exams next year."

"If I pass I pass, if I fail I fail. As long as I do my best then there is no point in stressing."

"This is your future we're talking about, that doesn't scare you at all?"

"What is with you and all this future talk, huh?" She playfully pushes my shoulder, "You want me to take you to a fortune teller so you can put your mind at rest?"

I laugh back but actually consider it. Sometimes my brain thought a little too hard about things, and then it was hard to let them go again.

"When you marry my brother, you have to promise to let me babysit all the time."

"That was random." I chuckle awkwardly.

"Well I mean it, I love kids but I don't think I'll ever give birth to my own."

I frown, "Why not?"

She looks down in solemn thought then back up at me. She flashes a stunning smile as she says, "Probably cause Cody Mason will kidnap me and hold me hostage for all eternity."

"I told you you loved having a stalker! You can't shut up about him!" I exclaim before I burst with laughter.

"Sshhhh!" Mia hushes me and presses a hand to my mouth, "You'll wake everyone up!"

After we manage to stop giggling, we surface from under the covers and I roll over to be more comfortable.

"Goodnight Mia." I whisper happily into the darkness.

"Night Nora." She replies.


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