Chapter 21 ~ After

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I spent all Christmas day with Mum, unwrapping presents and having fun. We went to the park and had a picnic for lunch and drank some expensive wine.

It felt nice to spend time with her because it felt like I didn't do it enough. I always thought of her as being so distant and never acting like everyone else's mum, but I was wrong. She had always been there for me, I'd just chosen not to be there for her.

At some point in early afternoon, I heard ambulance sirens wail past and I felt guilty. Having a good time with my mum while someone else was suffering was an awful feeling.

Nighttime came and we both skipped dinner because of our late lunch. Quite honestly, I didn't want to go to the O'Brien's house. I would have much rather stay home and watch a movie with Mum. But I had Secret Santa commitments I didn't want to bail on, so I went.


I let myself in this time. I could already hear the laughter from inside and assumed nobody would hear me knock anyway.

I see Will first and he smiles at me instantly. Then Rose, who half smiles and she bypasses me to the kitchen. Mia came around the corner and bounced over to hug me.

"Merry Christmas, Nora!"

"You too, Mia," I awkwardly hug her back.

I follow her into the lounge room where Chloe, Paige, Annie and one of Will's mates are conversing quietly. Annie notices me and wishes me a happy Christmas which I return, but the best I get from Paige and Chloe is death stares.

So much for a Christmas miracle.

I think the name of Will's friend is Percy, and I smile at him as kindly as I possibly can. 

"Okay, everyone's here!" Mia announces, "let's do presents then we can all have something to eat."

We gather around the middle of the lounge room, half of us on the couch, the other on the floor to form a circle.

The exchanging of presents begins and I watch as Mia receives some more nail polish and a ton more bracelets.

"Annie?" She guesses, and Annie nods happily in return.

As Will guesses who got him his iTunes gift card and bottle of alcohol, I think of all the things I would have got them. We had done  Secret Santa with both of our families a couple years before and I had always received praise for the awesome gifts I got everyone.

"Okay, Chloe's turn to open."

I observe her anxiously as she pulls open the wrapping paper to reveal a Cotton On gift card and a sparkling pair of earrings.

She guesses everyone in the room until I'm the only one left. She looks at me and smiles, and it almost looks sincere.


Then it is my turn to open my present. It is a leather bound journal. The cover is smooth and I guess it was expensive. But my stomach churns as the memories flood back.

"Is this some sick joke?" I spit.

The room is silent as they exchange looks.

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