Episode 9- The Three Stages

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Lakitu: Hello, and wellllllcome back!! Last episode, THREE, yes, THREE alliances were made. A blindside happened at tribal council and Baby Mario is now the 2nd member of our jury, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

Remaining Contestants: (7) King Boo, Chain Chomp, Baby Luigi, Monty Mole, Wiggler, Baby Yoshi, Bob-Omb

*intro song*

(At the mansion, 8:30 AM)
Baby Yoshi: Great job, guys!
Monty Mole: Last night's vote was really good.
Wiggler: So... what's the plan?
Monty Mole: I guess we just focus on one alliance to take out, then take out the other.
Baby Yoshi: How about King Boo and Bob-Omb's alliance?
Wiggler: Yes.
Monty Mole: Ok.

King Boo: Bob-Omb?
Bob-Omb: What?
King Boo: I overheard the other alliance talking. They want to vote us out!
Bob-Omb: I think I know what to do.
King Boo: Ok. What?
Bob-Omb: We have to-
Lakitu: It's challenge time! Come to driftwood shore!
Bob-Omb: I'll explain later.
King Boo: Ok.

(At driftwood shore)

Lakitu: Welcome to today's challenge. Here is how it will work:
Round 1: Everyone needs to unbraid ropes, releasing a hammer. Use the hammer to smash your tile. The first three to do that move onto round 2.
Round 2: You guys will have to jump on a trampoline over water. The trampoline will get smaller and smaller, making it harder to stay on. The first one to fly off their trampoline and into the water is out.
Round 3: The final 2 use a slingshot to fire coconuts at a 2X2 board with Targets. First person to knock down all 4 targets with coconuts wins immunity.
Let's start!

Round 1! Unbraid ropes, releasing a hammer! First 3 advance! Ready, set, GO!

Monty Mole is quick with the ropes! King Boo right behind him!
Bob-Omb: Ahhh!! What have I done?!

Lakitu: A lot of people are falling out of this!
Monty Mole: *smashes tile*
Lakitu: Monty Mole advances!
Monty Mole: Yay!
Bob-Omb: *unties*
Wiggler: *unties*
Lakitu: Bob-Omb and Wiggler back in this!
King Boo: *smashes tile*
Wiggler: *smashes tile*
Lakitu: That's it! In round 2 we have Wiggler, King Boo, and Monty Mole! Onto the trampoline challenge!

Ready, set, GO!

This trampoline is 5 feet wide and long.

It is now 3 feet wide and long.

Wiggler: *wobbles*
Lakitu: Wiggler tips... but saves herself!

King Boo: Woah!
Lakitu: Monty Mole is the only one who is completely still!
Wiggler: *falls off of trampoline*
Lakitu: Wiggler is out!
King Boo: Phew.
Bob-Omb: You can do this, King Boo!
Lakitu: Last round! Aim your coconuts, and.... FIRE!

Monty Mole's Board:

King Boo's Board:

(X means that target has been knocked out, O means it's still there.


King Boo catching up to Monty Mole!

Ready... FIRE!

Monty Mole's Board:

King Boo's Board:

Lakitu: FIRE!

Monty Mole:

King Boo:

Lakitu: FIRE!
Monty Mole: Yay!

Lakitu: Monty Mole wins immunity for the second time in a row!
Monty Mole: YAY!!!!!!!
Baby Yoshi: Good job!
Wiggler: Yes!

King Boo: Nooooo!!!
Bob-Omb: *sighs*

Lakitu: Head back to the mansion. I'll see you tonight at tribal council.

At the mansion:
King Boo: Darn! I was so close!
Bob-Omb: It doesn't matter if you won or not, I have a plan.
King Boo: What is it?
Bob-Omb: You know the other alliance, Baby Luigi and Chain Chomp? If we ask to join them, we will be an alliance of 4 and the other alliance only has 3! We can take them out!
King Boo: How can we trust them?
Bob-Omb: I don't know, but this is our only choice.
King Boo: Let's do it.

Bob-Omb: Hey guys!
Baby Luigi: Hi!
King Boo: We were wondering if we could join your alliance, just for tonight?
Chain Chomp: BARK!
Baby Luigi: Ok! Why?
Bob-Omb: Because we don't want to leave and we know you don't either. We can vote out people from the other alliance!
Chain Chomp: Woof!
Baby Luigi: Good idea!
Bob-Omb: Let's talk about who we should vote out.
King Boo: Also- We trust you, and we hope you trust us. I don't want any of us going home tonight.
Baby Luigi: We trust you.

(At tribal council)
Lakitu: We will now bring back the members of our jury, Paper Luigi, and Baby Mario, voted out at the last tribal council.
Baby Mario: Hi!
Paper Luigi: Good luck guys!
Lakitu: King Boo, how does it feel at this point in the game?
King Boo: I think it's all about trust. If you trust someone and they trust you, that's the best thing that you can have.

Bob-Omb: Yes. Thats what alliances are about. Trust. If someone is in your alliance and you don't trust them, it's bad.

Lakitu: What about you, Baby Yoshi?
Baby Yoshi: I don't know how tonight's vote will go. Honestly- It will probably be either Me or Wiggler.
Wiggler: I think the same.

Baby Luigi: It gets really scary at this point, because you don't know who to trust.
Chain Chomp: Woof Bark Bark Woof Bark!
Lakitu: Interesting. Alright, it is, time to vote. Baby Luigi, you're up.

(4 minutes later)
Lakitu: I have tallied the votes. Person voted out must bring me their torch and leave tribal council immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote. *turns paper around* King Boo.
Second Vote. King Boo.
Third vote. Wiggler.
Fourth vote. King Boo. That's three votes King Boo, one vote Wiggler.
King Boo: Bye.
Lakitu: Fifth vote. Wiggler.
Sixth vote. Wiggler. That's three votes King Boo, Three votes Wiggler, one vote left.

Wiggler and King Boo: *stare at each other with open mouths*

Lakitu: Tenth person voted out of Total Drama The Last Mushroom, and the third member of our jury....

*turns paper around* Wiggler.
Wiggler: *sighs*

Baby Luigi: *whispers* I said you could trust us.
Chain Chomp: Bark!
King Boo: Thanks.
Bob-Omb: Phew.

Baby Yoshi: O:
Monty Mole: *slaps forehead*

Lakitu: Wiggler, the tribe has spoken. *puts out flame* Time for you to go.

Wiggler: Good luck, guys. *leaves*

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

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