Episode 4- Suspense!

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Lakitu: Hello, and welcome back to the show! In the last episode, we had a surprise reward challenge! Unfortunately, both tribes voted someone out. We are left with 12, and another surprise, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

Remaining Contestants (12):
Wiggler, Baby Yoshi, Monty Mole, King Boo, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Chain Chomp, King Bob-Omb, Paratroopa, Bob-Omb, Paper Luigi, Buzzy Beetle
*intro song*

(At the beach)
Lakitu: We will now bring back Baby Mario, Baby Yoshi, Baby Luigi, and Monty Mole from the hotel!
Baby Yoshi: Hello!
Monty Mole: That was AWESOME!
Baby Mario and Baby Luigi: Yeah!

Lakitu: Now... I need everyone to stand on this big mat.
Good. I have noticed a lot of crazy stuff going on in this game, so... we are going to switch it up! It's team switching time!
Everyone: *gasps*
Lakitu: You will be split up into 3 tribes of 4. If you pick an Orange rock from the basket, you will be on the tribe Vanua. If you pick purple, you will be on Talaki. And finally, if you pick green you are on Ikabula. Everyone, pick a rock from this basket.
Buzzy Beetle: They are all covered! How do we know the color?
Lakitu: Once everyone picks, you will reveal.

Okay! Everyone has picked their rock. Take the cover off to reveal the color. Then, stand on your color mat and meet your new tribe mates. Ready? Reveal.

Baby Luigi: Purple!
Baby Yoshi: Same!
Baby Luigi: Yay!!!
Lakitu: Now we have our new tribes. On Vanua we have Wiggler, Paper Luigi, King Bob-Omb, and Buzzy Beetle! On Talaki we have Baby Yoshi, Baby Luigi, Paratroopa, and Bob-Omb! And in Ikabula we have Monty Mole, King Boo, Chain Chomp, and Baby Mario. Now we will have our first challenge. This is a challenge we have done before, but we changed it up a bit. Each team will stand on a 10 foot wide and long platform. After 10 minutes, the platform shrinks by 3 feet! Once the platform is at 1 foot long and wide, every ten minutes, it shrinks by 5 1/2 inches. Once it's 1 inch, it won't shrink anymore. First team to have all their members fall off will lose. Take your spots.

Ready, set, GO!
Buzzy Beetle: *tips* Woahh!!
Lakitu: Buzzy Beetle tips quickly.. but saves himself!

Wiggler: EEEEEE!!!! *pushes Paper Luigi*
Paper Luigi: OOF!
Lakitu: Wiggler pushes Paper Luigi off the platform to save herself!
Alright, it has been ten minutes! The platform is now 7 feet long and wide!

Monty Mole: *jumps on top of Chain Chomp*
Lakitu: Chain Chomp is giving Monty Mole a piggy back ride to avoid falling off!
Paratroopa: Helpppppp!!! I'm slipping OFFF!!! *falls off*
Lakitu: Paratroopa is the second person out of the challenge!
Paratroopa: *mutters* some team.
King Bob-Omb: I think I'm too heavy for this platform!
*platform shakes*
Wiggler: You have to jump off! It's the only way to save all of us!
King Bob-Omb: But-
Wiggler: Would you rather have us lose or you be out of the challenge?
King Bob-Omb: Right. *jumps off*
Lakitu: Vanua has 2 members left!
Chain Chomp and King Boo: *fall off platform*
Lakitu: Chain Chomp and King Boo randomly fell off! Ikabula has 2 left!
It has been 20 minutes! The platforms are now 4 feet long and wide!

Baby Yoshi: It's too small for all of us!
Bob-Omb: *slips off*
Lakitu: Every team has 2-
Buzzy Beetle: Noooo!! Wiggler help!
Wiggler: Here grab my- AHHH!!! *slips*
Lakitu: Wiggler is out! The remaining Contestants are:
-Buzzy Beetle on for Vanua
-Baby Yoshi and Baby Luigi for Talaki
-Monty Mole and Baby Mario for Ikabula

Baby Mario: Hi Brother!
Baby Luigi: Hiiiiii!!
Baby Mario: Woaaa!! *slips*
Baby Luigi: Be careful- *slips*
Lakitu: Baby Mario and Luigi are out! One member left from every team! Also, every platform is one foot tall and wide!

(20 minutes later)
Lakitu: This is it! All three are still in and every platform is one inch long and wide! A Pole has come out of every platform to hang on to.

(2 hours later)
Lakitu: *yawns* We are still in this!

(9 hours later)
Lakitu: Zzz.... Huh... Oh! We are still here!

Buzzy Beetle and Baby Yoshi: *fall off at the exact same time*
Lakitu: OMIGOSH! We need to review this in slo-mo.

(20 minutes later)
Lakitu: This was close. The loser of the challenge is....

Vanua: NOOO!
Baby Yoshi: Phew.
Ikabula: *cheers*
Lakitu: Let's do this already! It's 7:30 so Vanua head to tribal council immediately.

(At tribal council)
Lakitu: You guys know what to do. Go vote. Buzzy Beetle, you are up first. Go.

(5 minutes later)
Lakitu: I have tallied the votes. They are all in here in this bucket. Person voted out must immediately give me their torch and leave the island. Ready? I will now read he votes.
First vote. *turns paper around*King Bob-Omb.
Second vote. Paper Luigi.
Third vote. King Bob-Omb.
*turns last paper around*
Paper Luigi. We are tied 2-2. That was everyone's votes. Since there is a tie, we have to follow a few steps. First, everyone revotes. Since Paper Luigi and King Bob-Omb are in trouble, they don't revote. Only Wiggler and Buzzy Beetle vote.

(5 minutes later)
Lakitu: We are tied 1-1. This is getting intense! Now, Wiggler and Buzzy Beetle must now come up with a unanimous decision on who to kick out. If they can't, something very bad will happen.
Buzzy Beetle: Wiggler, cmon. I know how your team kicked out Paper Mario on day 1. Let's finish the paper characters off.
Wiggler: No! King Bob-Omb isn't any help! The reason we voted out Paper Mario is because he was being really bossy!
Buzzy Beetle: But so is Paper Luigi! CMON! WHO KNOWS WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF WE DON'T DECIDE?!
Wiggler: Hmph.
Lakitu: Times up. Since you two can't decide, we are on the final step. King Bob-Omb who is in trouble, is safe. Paper Luigi is also safe. Buzzy Beetle and Wiggler will now draw rocks.
Buzzy Beetle: See what you did, Wiggler?
Wiggler: Huh?
Lakitu: There are two rocks in this bag. A white and a black rock. You two will close your eyes and pick a rock. Whoever picks the black rock is out of this game.
Wiggler: Darn...
Buzzy Beetle: *shivers*
Lakitu: Pick a rock. Don't look at it yet.

Okay. Buzzy and Wiggler have picked.

Million coin rock draw, black means you are out of this game.
Wiggler: *reveals*
Buzzy Beetle: *reveals* Oh no... *sobs*
Lakitu: Buzzy Beetle, you must bring me your torch.

Buzzy Beetle: *brings torch to Lakitu*
Lakitu:  I think it's more appropriate tonight to say, the game has spoken. *puts out flame* Goodbye.
Buzzy Beetle: *gets on boat* *cries*
Lakitu: Well, there goes another one. Guys, if drawing rocks is how you want this game to be, then that's how it will be. You guys head to your cabin. Since Ikabula won they sleep in the mansion tonight. Good night.

Join us next time, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

Authors Note:
1012 words. Wow. Sorry for such a long chapter 😂
Anyways I hope you are enjoying the story! Bye!

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