Episode 6- Wibbly Wobbily Timey Wimey Puzzley Wuzzley

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Lakitu: Hello, and welcome back! In the last episode, we had a really hard challenge that involved balancing. Talaki lost, they voted Paratroopa out, stuff like that. Tune in now, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

*intro song*

Lakitu: It'ssssssss time to!
Everyone: *moans*
Lakitu: You guys are playing for a million coins, remember?
Everyone: *rushes over to Lakitu*

Lakitu: Today we will have a two-Part immunity challenge. Each team will divide into a group of one and a group of two. The group of two will have to each stand on one side of a seesaw. The trick is to not have either side of the seesaw touch the ground. The one person's job is to solve a 30 piece puzzle. However, the 10 top pieces are in a bag at the middle of the seesaw. So the group of two needs to figure out how to get there without touching the ground. If a side of the seesaw touches the ground, the person cannot work on their puzzle for one minute. It's basically a time penalty. First team to finish heir puzzle wins!

Split into groups. Since Ikabula has one extra member, you need to sit someone out. I'll give you a minute to talk.

King Bob-Omb: *slaps head* How do we find two people on our team with equal weight if we have a 80 pound Wiggler, a 150 pound bomb, and a 0.1 pound piece of paper?
Paper Luigi: You two can do the seesaw. King Bob-Omb, if you jump up and down, the seesaw will stay up in the air, when Wiggler makes her way to the middle. I'll do the puzzle.

Baby Luigi: I'm good at puzzles!
Baby Yoshi: Ok. Bob-Omb and I will get the seesaw.

King Boo: I should sit out.
Monty Mole: Ok. I'll do the puzzle.
Baby Mario: I'll do the seesaw with Chain Chomp.

Lakitu: Ok! We are all ready! Ready, set... GOOOOOOOOO!!!
King Bob-Omb: *jumps up and down*
Wiggler: *inches toward middle*
Paper Luigi: How's it going? I've got the first five pieces done!
Wiggler: It's good!

Baby Luigi: *solves first 15 pieces really fast*

(30 Minutes Later)
Lakitu: Ikabula takes a slight lead, as Vanua follows them!

Baby Yoshi: *slips*
Lakitu: For the fourth time, Talaki can't solve their puzzle for a minute!

Wiggler: *throws puzzle pieces to Paper Luigi*
King Bob-Omb: Good! Now Wiggler, I'm coming to the middle. Get on my back.
Wiggler: But wait! It's gonna- *seesaw touches ground*
Lakitu: Vanua can't solve their puzzle for a minute!

Talaki can start solving their puzzle again!

Monty Mole: Hmmm... *studies puzzle*
Baby Mario: H-Hurry up!
Monty Mole: I only have 7 pieces left!

Bob-Omb: *slips*
Lakitu: Again, Talaki can't solve their puzzle! Talaki is falling out of this!
Baby Luigi: Don't worry! I can still do dis!

Monty Mole: Finished!

Lakitu: *checks puzzle* 1st Place goes to Ikabula!
Monty Mole: Yes!
Baby Mario: Yay!
King Boo: Woohoo!

Lakitu: It's all up to Vanua and Talaki!
Baby Luigi: Umm- Dis one goes here, and dis one goes here...
Lakitu: Talaki wins 2nd place!
Talaki: *cheers*
Lakitu: Vanua goes to tribal council again!

Okay! Ikabula and Talaki, congrats on 1st. Lunch is in the mess hall. Go eat.
Vanua, I'll see you at tribal council after dinner. Goodbye.

(After dinner, at tribal council)
Lakitu: Where's King Bob-Omb?
King Bob-Omb: *pants* *runs to Lakitu* Sorry, I wanted to eat desert.
Lakitu: Whatever. Let's get into this. Wiggler, how does it feel now?
Wiggler: I dunno. I'm a bit scared cause no one on our team talked with each other.
Lakitu: Mhmm. Paper Luigi, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being safe, 1 being going home, how safe are you?
Paper Luigi: For me? I'd say a 7. I don't know about these two..
Lakitu: Ok. It is time to vote. King Bob-Omb, you're up.

(5 minutes later)
Lakitu: Everyone has voted. I'll go tally the votes.

Ok, I've tallied the votes. Person with the most votes must immediately bring me their torch and leave tribal council immediately. Ready?
Vanua: *nods*

Lakitu: 1st Vote. Wiggler.
2nd Vote. King Bob-Omb.

7th Person voted out of Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom. *turns paper around*
King Bob-Omb.

King Bob-Omb: *nods* *brings torch to Lakitu*
Lakitu: King Bob-Omb, the tribe has spoken. *puts out flame* Time to go.
King Bob-Omb: *boards boat* Bye! Good luck!

Lakitu: Two of you are left. Grab your stuff, head back to your cabin. Good night.

Join us next time, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

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