Episode 7- Fish and Statues

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Lakitu: Hello there, and welcome back! Last episode, we had a crazy challenge, using lots of different skills. In the end, Vanua was the loser. They voted out King Bob-Omb, right here, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

*intro song*

Vanua Cabin:
Wiggler: This is getting really boring with just the two of us here.
Paper Luigi: I know...

Talaki Cabin:
Baby Yoshi: Good morning!
Baby Luigi: Hello!
Bob-Omb: *yawns*

Ikabula Cabin:
*complete silence*

Lakitu: Come to the mess hall for breakfast and an announcement!

(At the mess hall)
Lakitu: Remember how I said in the final 8 everyone would merge?
Everyone: *nods*
Lakitu: Well... there are nine of you. We decided to switch it around a little. So..
Everyone: *gasps*
Lakitu: Congratulations on making it to the merge!
Everyone: *cheers*
Lakitu: Now, I will explain how this works:
-All nine of you will not only share a Cabin, but it will be a giant MANSION!
-Immunity will be won INDIVIDUALLY, unless said otherwise.
-EVERYONE goes to tribal council, even the person who won immunity.
-The first 7 people voted out of the merge will be members of the "jury" when 2 are left the seven people will decide who the winner is by one final voting. The people voted out (the jury) will come back to the island to watch every single tribal council till 2 are left.

That's how it works!

Now, shall we get started with the first individual immunity challenge?
Everyone: Yes!
Lakitu: Come to driftwood shore.

(At driftwood shore)
Lakitu: Everyone needs to be divided into two groups. One group of four who have the best ability to fish, and another group of five who have the best ability to dig in the sand.
Start deciding.

(5 minutes later)
Lakitu: Alright! The group of four that are good fishers are King Boo, Chain Chomp, Baby Yoshi and Wiggler! Baby Luigi, Baby Mario, Monty Mole, Paper Luigi, and Bob-Omb are the sand group.

Let's start with the group of fishers. You guys need to catch as many GOLDEN fish as you can in this lake. There are a total of 7 golden fish, and 23 red fish, so get going! Try to get the most golden fish as possible. Ready, set... GO!

Now, the group of sand diggers. In the boundaries of the red markings, under the sand, are 2 Lakitu statues. Try to find one before anyone else does. Ready, set... GO!

Now both groups are going! I'll make sure to explain the rest later.

King Boo: Oh yes! A golden fish!

Monty Mole: *digs*

Baby Yoshi: *fishes* AUGH! Why so many red fish...?

Baby Mario: ... cmon... Where are the statues?

Monty Mole: I FOUND ONE! *shows Lakitu*
Lakitu: Monty Mole has found the first statue! Only one left! Monty Mole, you can stop digging.
Monty Mole: Ok.

Lakitu: 2 minutes left, fishers!

Bob-Omb: Is this the other statue?
Lakitu: Nope. Sorry.

Paper Luigi: I found it!
Lakitu: Paper Luigi found the 2nd statue! Times up for everyone!

Lakitu: Let's see... first let's start with the fishers. Here were the rankings:
4th: Chain Chomp (0 golden fish)
3rd: Wiggler (1 golden fish)
2nd: King Boo (2 golden fish)
1st: Baby Yoshi (4 golden fish)

First place from the fishers advance to the finals, so Baby Yoshi is in the finals of this challenge! You other three, no shot at immunity.

Sand Diggers:
Monty Mole and Paper Luigi found statues, so they advance to the finals with Baby Yoshi!

It's time for the finals!

You three will have to catch 2 golden fish from the lake, find a Lakitu statue in the sand, at race up that sand hill to the finish line. Give all 3 items to me first and you win immunity! You can do the first two tasks in any order. Ready, set... go!

Baby Yoshi is fishing first, while Monty Mole and Paper Luigi are digging!

Baby Yoshi: A golden fish!

Paper Luigi: Is that it? Aww... no...
Monty Mole: Yes! I found one!

Lakitu: Monty Mole is gonna fish now!

Baby Yoshi: Yay, my second golden fish!
Lakitu: Baby Yoshi can dig now! Paper Luigi is having some trouble!
Paper Luigi: Ugh... Oh finally!
Lakitu: Paper Luigi can fish!

(2 minutes later)
Baby Yoshi:
2 golden fish found, no statue
Paper Luigi:
1 golden fish found, 1 statue
Monty Mole:
1 golden fish found, 1 statue

Monty Mole: My second golden fish!
Paper Luigi: Same!

Baby Yoshi: A statue!
Lakitu: All three have all their items! It's a race to the finish. It seems that Baby Yoshi has a slight lead, because the other two competitors still have to paddle back to shore!

Baby Yoshi: *runs to finish* YAY!
Lakitu: Baby Yoshi wins first individual immunity!
Baby Yoshi: :D
Monty Mole: D:
Paper Luigi: *sighs*

Lakitu: Well, congrats Baby Yoshi! Everyone, I'll see you at tribal council tonight. Good luck.

(At tribal council)
Lakitu: I think you guys know what to do by now. Ready? Paper Luigi, you're up. Go vote.

(8 minutes later)
Lakitu: I have tallied the votes. Person voted out must immediately bring me their torch and leave tribal council. I'll read the votes.

First vote. *turns paper around* Paper Luigi.
Second vote. Paper Luigi.
Third vote. Paper Luigi. That's three votes Paper Luigi.
Paper Luigi. *sighs* *whispers* Goodbye.
Lakitu: Next vote... Wiggler.
Wiggler: O:
Lakitu: Fifth vote. Wiggler.
Next vote. Wiggler. That's three votes Wiggler, three votes Paper Luigi.
Next vote. Bob-Omb.
Bob-Omb: ?
Lakitu: Next vote. Paper Luigi. That's four votes Paper Luigi, three votes Wiggler, 1 vote Bob-Omb, 1 vote left.

Seventh person voted out and the first member of our jury... *turns paper around* Paper Luigi.
Paper Luigi: *brings torch to Lakitu*

Lakitu: Paper Luigi, the tribe has spoken. Time to go.
Paper Luigi: *nods* I'll be back to see more tribal councils. Good luck to ya all. Bye!

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Total, Drama, Mushroom Tour!

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