Episode 8- Back From The Dead

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Lakitu: Hello, friend, and welcome back to the show! Last episode, everyone merged, and had a challenge (obviously). Baby Yoshi won immunity, and Paper Luigi is now the first member of our jury, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

*intro song*

(In the mansion, 8 AM)
Baby Yoshi: I really hope I make right decisions further on. I don't think I did well last night.
Monty Mole: Well, immunity matters more then voting. If you have immunity, then you are safe! There's no way you can leave the game!
Baby Yoshi: Right, but I have a decision to make. Do I vote out my friends? If I do, they will be members of the jury, and they will be mad at me and won't vote for me. But if I vote out the people I don't like, they still won't vote for me.
Monty Mole: Hmmm.... that's a tough decision. It's yours to make.
King Boo: Helllllooooo! *eats breakfast*
Baby Yoshi: Hi.
Bob-Omb: Yum!
Baby Mario: This food is delicious!

Lakitu: Itssssss challenge time!!! Come to driftwood shore!

(At driftwood shore)

Lakitu: As you all know, every season there is an eating contest...
Everyone: *sighs*
Lakitu: Oh cmon! It's funny!
Monty Mole: It might be funny for the audience, but it isn't for us!
Baby Mario: Yeah!

Lakitu: Well I'm sorry. Here's how it works:
Everyone will randomly be split into two groups of four. The winner from each group faces off in the finale round against the other winner. Whoever wins that wins immunity!

Group A- Wiggler, Baby Yoshi, Baby Luigi, Bob-Omb
Group B- Monty Mole, King Boo, Chain Chomp, Baby Mario

Lakitu: Group A will be going first! Group B, take a spot on the bench.

First item: Slugs! You must eat two of these dead slugs. First 2 to finish move on. Ready, set... go!

Wiggler: *chews*
Baby Yoshi: Bleh!
Baby Luigi: Ewww!
Bob-Omb: *munches*

Bob-Omb: Done!
Wiggler: Done!
Lakitu: Bob-Omb and Wiggler move on!

Next item: Fried Turtle. Go!
Wiggler: *barfs*
Bob-Omb: Blech!
Lakitu: First to finish is in the finals!

Wiggler: Done!
Lakitu: Wiggler moves on to the finals! Group B, your turn! Same dishes.

*group B goes*
Lakitu: Monty Mole wins! Monty Mole Vs. Wiggler in the finals!

We won't make this one disgusting....
First one to finish eating 100 pancakes wins!
Wiggler: YUM!
Monty Mole: YAY! *chews*

*disturbing chewing, slurping and chomping noises you probably wouldn't want to hear*
Monty Mole: Finished!
Lakitu: Monty Mole wins immunity!
Monty Mole: Woohoo!
Wiggler: Aww...

Lakitu: Everyone, go back to the mansion. See you tonight at tribal.

(At the mansion, 5 PM)
Baby Yoshi: Good job!
Monty Mole: Thank you!
Baby Yoshi: Okay, so I was thinking we should form an alliance...
Monty Mole: Ok! I think we should try to get Wiggler in this too. She seems really good. We need her.
Baby Yoshi: Ok.

Baby Luigi: Brother?
Baby Mario: Yeah?
Baby Luigi: I don't know how the vote is gonna go tonight. I'm scared.
Baby Mario: Me too. Maybe we should get another person to join our alliance?
Baby Luigi: Chain Chomp?
Baby Mario: Ok! Chain Chomp, wanna join our alliance?
Chain Chomp: Bark!
Baby Luigi: Does that mean yes?
Chain Chomp: Woof! *nods head*
Baby Mario: Ok!

King Boo: Hey listen, Bob-Omb. Everyone is making alliances. I don't want to get out, and I know you don't either. I think we should form our OWN alliance. If we take down just one member from the other two alliances, it'll be even and they can't overpower us!
Bob-Omb: But how will we do that?
King Boo: We can convince people to vote our way.
Bob-Omb: Great idea. I'm in.

(At tribal council)

Lakitu: Welcome, everyone. We will now bring back Paper Luigi, the first member of our jury, to watch this Tribal Council.
Paper Luigi: *waves* Hi.

Lakitu: *checks watch* We are running out of time. Let's make this fast. King Boo, everyone seems to be making alliances. Thoughts?
King Boo: I don't know, Lakitu. I think they might take out Bob-Omb and I, cause we're the odd ones out.
Lakitu: Ok... Baby Yoshi, what about you?
Baby Yoshi: Well, I'm almost certain I'll be safe tonight. There might be a blindside, but I hope this doesn't happen. I think alliances will be taken out one by one.
Lakitu: Interesting. Alright, it is, time to vote. Monty Mole, you're up.

Monty Mole: *votes*

(5 minutes later)
Lakitu: I have tallied the votes. Person voted out must immediately bring me their torch and leave tribal council immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote. *turns paper around* King Boo.
King Boo: D:

Next vote. Baby Mario.
Third vote. Baby Mario.
Fourth vote. King Boo. That's two votes King Boo, two votes Baby Mario.

Fifth vote. Baby Mario.

Baby Mario: What?!

Sixth vote. Baby Mario.

Baby Mario: *slaps forehead*

Ninth person voted out, and the 2nd member of our jury. *turns paper around* Baby Mario.

Baby Mario: HOW?!? NO!!!
Lakitu: The rules are the rules.

King Boo: *looks at Bob-Omb*
Bob-Omb: We did it.

Lakitu: Baby Mario, the tribe has spoken. *puts out flame* Time to go.

Baby Mario: Byeeee!! Good luck brother!
Baby Luigi: Byeee!!!

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Total, Drama, The Last Mushroom!

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