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I wanted to kill her, I wanted to watch her suffer because as I stared into her eyes, I saw my brothers and sisters comatose and I wasn't sure for how long.

Even though the Alpha issued the attack, I didn't care, I wasn't touched, they ran right passed us, they couldn't touch us even if they wanted too. It was Hanna and I, and only one would leave the forcefield which I put up in defense. I didn't want any mistake, I didn't want interference.

"What did you do to them? "I asked her before letting go. She fell with a thud onto her back, gasping, her icy breath leaving in puffs. I looked at my hand which had iced over slightly and her neck was bleeding and covered in ice. I was about to freeze her from the inside. I blinked, that was new, but then again, so were other things. I looked at her, tears running down her face and she gasped, her body shivered and she curled into herself.

I bent down just as I heard the neigh of a horse, then the forcefield was hit with a large force. I looked up to see her horse, trying to free it's master. I ignored it and looked at Hanna who had her eyes closed.

"It-It's a p-pois-poison,"She stuttered, "It tak-takes a f-few hours." She swallowed and I tilted my head to the side, in no rush to help her warm up. As I touched her cheek, I could feel it, the cold spreading and fast. "You could still-still s-save th-them." She swallowed, relaxing down, allowing for the cold to reach her heard. "I'm so-s-so-rry."  She said and I could see the truth in her eyes.

Don't let it define you... I heard the voice again in my head and I groaned before placing my palm onto her chest, my hand caught flame and I focused the warm energy, picturing it enter her heart and spreading through her body. She sighed and her eyes fluttered, the icicles that had formed in her hair and on her eyelashes began to melt.

"As much as I'd love to have your soul leave your body... I will not let your life be on my conscious, especially when I would have done the same to save my brothers and sisters. "Hanna gasped, her eyes moving to her chest then to me.

"I don't know how I'll ever repay you." She cried.

"I don't want your payback. " I said," but next time, when you enter a pack that has Caster's ask for help. I'm pretty sure we could have helped you. "I turned away from her to see the pack dropping more bodies onto the land. Ace was right beside Claude and I couldn't help admire how well they worked, they had each others backs. That's when I saw Christian, he was right outside my forcefield and he was so sexy. His wolf snarled and latched his jaws onto wolves who came up to him.

I melted the forcefield down, ready to help him.

"He really loves you, "I paused," you should really stop beating yourself up the way you do and let yourself be happy. "Hanna said and climbed onto her horse.

I raised my arm as a wolf lunged at me, it stopped mid-air and I swung my hand to the side, throwing it against the trunk of a very old and very large tree.

I looked around and Theodore was nowhere to be seen. I cursed then as Christian was tackled to the ground and suddenly, I just saw darkness. I jumped, leaving a dent in the earths surface and I landed on the wolf's back, I grabbed its head and it arched, I dug my fingers into its head and it began to flop around. Christian moved away as suddenly it was all to much for the wolf and his head exploded in my hands. Blood splattered over my face and hands and cloths. I was breathing deeply and I turned to look at Christian whose wolf eyes were wide as they looked at the headless wolf. I looked away then, I needed to get to the pack house and try to save my brothers and sisters.

I ran for the edge then, getting closer to the pack territory line. I stood, watching before lifting my leg up and stomping on the ground. The ground rose in a wave, causing everyone to go up a few inchea in the air, having been caught of guard, they landed in heaps of wolf bodies, dead and alive.

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