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He was depressed and it was only the third day of him being followed everywhere. You'd think that dancing his little heart out in his studio would make it better, but I guess having an audience wasn't helpful. I was the only one he could relax around but I knew he still wasn't happy.

"This will get old fast. "He mumbled while he roughly cut the cucumber in half. I chuckled while snacking on some cheese puffs.

"Well, consider it bonding and things will be swell." Xavier only scowled at Kathryn who winked. It was awkward but we were cruising through the tension, hoping it dissappears.

"How the hell can you even eat those, they stink. " I looked up with a round mouth full of cheese puffs. Xavier scowled at me and rolled his eyes with a pink tint on his cheeks.

"I cannot wait for you two to start fucking." We all froze and turned to Travis who had a straight face on, and a PSP in hand. Kathryn flicked his ear then.

"Shut it." I stayed silent, choosing to just watch it all play out. Xavier, usually would have have stormed out, this time, he kept his cool before seeming to freeze. His eyes darted to the right before he shook his head. I tilted my head to the side in thought. I was closer to him and I noticed how tightly he held the knife. I lightly touched his hand, softly while Kathryn and Travis argued about some spanish soccer player.

"Good?" Xavier swallowed, his eyes cloudy before giving a small timid smile. He finished chopping up the cucumber and mixed it in with lettuce, tomato, feta cheese, red pepper and olives.

He took a seat slowly, and quietly, still casting an occasional glance towards the side and it worried me. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him tightly and cuddle him, make all his worries go away. His unease put me on alert, the urge to shift coming over me. I growled softly and Xavier blushed glancing at me for a moment.

His scent overwhelmed me, it was a wonder I kept strong for so long.

A group of middle aged women entered the kitchen, giggling and chatting, nodding in greeting. The gave Xavier gentle smiles, their eyes flashing with worry, but Xavier flinched, casting his head down and pushing his plate away from himself and swallowing.

I sniffed the air, he reeked of fear and doubt, and so much sadness it broke my heart and I couldn't help but whimper and rub my nose against his cheek.

So soft, so warm. I shivered from the intense sparks which ignited from the simple touch, unconsciously, he leaned in but only for a moment before he moved away, his eyes wide.

"I'm going upstairs. "He announced, knowing that he'd be asked if he just stood silently. Kathryn got up and I stayed where I was with a sigh. Being around him was something I've always wanted, but not like this. Travis whistled.

"This depression is getting to me, want a hug? "he said sitting up, opening his arms. I threw a cheese puff at him and he smiled cutely." So, have you told him? "I raised a brow at him and he rolled his eyes." You want me to spell it out for you? "

"Not yet." I told him softly, looking at the doorway. I wanted to go upstairs, to be near my mate and just take in his scent.

"Then when? "He looked at me curiously, "nothing good comes from keeping secrets. You taught me that. "He sat back in his chair. I chuckled.

"Smart ass." he flipped me off then and I continued to eat my cheesy snack, which kept me calm, and from running up stairs to my mate.

"Megan's 18th birthday is coming up soon. "I raised a brow at him.

2. Xavier Alan Phoebe {bxb}Where stories live. Discover now