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The house was silent, it was only 5 a.m after all. My heart was beating faster than normal. As unusual as it seemed, I was excited even though I had no right to be, for all I knew this weird person who looked exactly like me but a few years older, could be dangerous, could possibly want me dead, want my family dead.

I froze at the thought. I was already outside, I balanced on the tree trunk, feeling the bark dig into my palm. It was such a real thought, such a big possibility. I swallowed then and continued, I could always ask after all.

I began to jog.  Soon I was at the pond and he was there, in the water.  I paused, catching my breath. I stared back at the same violet coloured eyes. The same black hair was dripping wet and the same pale skin glistened with wet drops. As conceited as it might sound, older me was gorgeous even with the multiple scars.

"Fancy a swim?" He mimicked a British accent and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"This is too weird." I said walking over to the pond and settling on the dry grass. I folded my legs beneath me and he swam over. "How do I even know I can trust you?" He rolled his eyes.

"Do you trust yourself? "I bit myself knowing I did not." So you know the answer to that, already. " He smirked at me, his eyes bright.

"I should tell them." I mumbled softly after a moment and he splashed me with water. I gasped and scowled at him.

"Then tell them. "He said as if it was no big deal. I couldn't tell if he meant it, or was trying to assure me that I could trust him.

We stayed silent then, not a word exchanged between us and I found myself thinking of Christian. I stared down at the grass, I lightly grazed my finger onto the leaf with a small smile as I thought of Christian, my Christian. A flower began to blossom, purple and healthy.

"You should probably accept him soon. "I looked up at to see him and I tilted my head.

"I don't even know what to call you," I say changing the topic because I could not take talking about him with this stranger.

"Stop trying to change the topic. "he smirked sprinkling water onto my face.

"Stop it." I scowled at him when I heard a twig snapped. My head snapped to the side to see Claude standing frozen ants his hazel green eyes wide with shock. I stood immediately and glanced to older me who was snickered to himself. "I can explain." I said too fast and Claude tilted his head to the right.

"Are you okay? " He asked me instead. I felt as though my throat had something stuck in it. My eyes burned and all I could think was that he was going to hate me, accuse me of treason and I could feel panick rising and I fought to keep it under control.

"I-I'm fine." I stuttered. He looked around the water.

"Who were you talking to? "Then I stared into his eyes and I glanced back at the older me who winked.

"So you aren't going to tell him?"  He questioned. Claude stepped closer. His brown locks fluttering in the wind. His eyes began to glaze over and I knew he was communicating with someone through the pack link. He blinked before looking back at me and that's when I saw it, there was no sign that he could see older me. I looked down in confusion, suddenly afraid.

"He can't see you? "I whispered and the older me grinned." You... You're in my head? "I grabbed my head and fell onto my ass as I tried to make sense of everything.

Why would I be seeing myself? Why would this be happening?  I just didn't get it. I jumped then as a hand fell onto my shoulder, my head felt heavy and suddenly I was too tired to think, to tired to do anything. I sighed heavily as my eyes stung.

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