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"Mabye he's mad. "I rolled my eyes while I cut my sandwhich in half then in another so that it was four perfect squares. I decided to call him Tru, because most of what he says, I realise make sense." Or mabye he just doesn't want to continue your game of cat and mouse. I mean, you do keep letting him chase after you, kind of like Tom and Jerry, everytime he thinks he has you, poof! You're gone. "I swallowed and chose not to say anything, trying hard not to listen to my worst nightmare.

"Tru, how about you just keep it shut?" I motioned to his lips and he smirkys.

"But if I do, who will tell you like it is?" he said innocently and I blinked away the tears which threatened to burst. "It's okay to cry, you're a bitch, fact." He said patting my shoulder as though telling me I've done good. I scowled before he disappeared.

"So, is this like a norm now? "I tensed as the familiar voice rang behind me. Kathryn. "Talking to anyone we should know about?" I turned around slowly and bit the inside of my cheek. My sister offered a small smile, her eyes shone with worry and love. I looked away.

"No, to both those queries. "I said she nodded not believing me. She walked into the room and there was an awkward silence as she made a peace sign with her fingers and made it walk on the counter.

"So..." She trailed off. "How've you been?" She asked but her tone told me she wasn't expecting me to say anything, but somehow I couldn't not answer, I wanted us to be okay, without being okay, if that made sense.

"I'm fine, and you? "That would be the most I've ever said to her since our little spat. She looked up with sad eyes.

"I'd be better," she ran a hand through her hair, "if you'd forgive me." I furrowed my brows.

"There is nothing to forgive. "I whispered and shrugged before taking my plate and moving to leave the kitchen.

"But there is," I paused, not looking at her. "It wasn't my place, I was out of line and I shouldn't have said those things."

Tru was suddenly behind Kathryn, glaring at me and her. I ignored him.

"If you hadn't, you wouldn't be Kathryn. "I could sense her confusion and I smiled." It's okay, "I turned to look at her." I'm glad you did... For once, I felt something worth feeling." she still seemed very confused and I laughed." See ya. "I bolted for the stairs shaking my head slightly when suddenly Tru is in front of me, glaring.

"Nobody here likes you, everyone hopes you die soon." He told me, pointing at my chest and I was shocked, my eyes wide. My head felt as though it was heavy, as though I had someone else inside and it made me dizzy.

"Wh-what are you doing? "

"Shut up! Just shut up! You ruin everything." His tone harsh, he looked as if I had murdered his mother. "Everything you do, touch or even look at, turns dark, just as your soul..." I gasped the plate in my hand flew to the ground with a crash, tears stained my cheeks and my bottom lip quivered. His words echoed in my head, each time sound more real than the last. Then in a cloud of pink he dissappeared.

"Are you okay? "I jumped and blinked rapidly, my gaze landing on a rather slim girl who frowned, her green eyes sparkling. All I could really register was anger, pain and hatred...and fear. I shook my head then, my head throbbed, too many voices, too many words.

You ruin everything... I shook my head, my eyes blurring. I stumbled into the wall and she grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me! "I yelled, thrusting my arm out and she flew into the wall, creating a dent. I gasped suddenly unable to breath before my vision cleared. I blinked, the scene registering. Theodore came rushing in with worry etched onto his face.

"What happened?" Claude rushed in with a growl.

"She's still breathing. "I was panting, it felt like the room was closing in on me as all eyes landed on me. The few pack members who were in the room stared at her with concern, all rushing to the now unconscious female. I took a step back and tripped, falling onto my ass on the stairs.

"He was talking to himself again, Miranda was just worried about him amd asked if he was okay," An elderly woman explained, glancing at me suspiciously." He went ballistic and caused air to blow her across the room, it was horrifying. We told her not to go." She gave me a dirty look, one which held hatred. "If you don't put him on a leash, I will." She said, her old wrinkled hands had been flying around, pointing at him and then caressing the girl.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself. "I opened my mouth, I wanted to explain, help make sense of it and tell them I didn't mean it, but air, blew out. Suddenly I couldn't talk, it was as though something was stuck in my throat and my eyes burned. I clenched them closed and shook my head.

"I-I'm sorry... So so sorry. " I let out a sob." I didn't mean to, I didn't... I'm sorry. "I whispered then.


"I don't understand why you want our children to play with him after what happened." Mrs. Keler said softly, her eyes met mine briefly, glancing with worry. I sat in the corner and I stayed there, my legs beneath me.

"Mrs. Keler, that was 5 years ago. "She looked sharply at Theodore.

"How about last week, my son told me that he heard screaming and the walls were shaking," she scolded, "how can we be sure he can control himself? How can you expect any of the she-wolves to even let their children out when he's around." Theodore sighed.

"He's just a boy. "

"And a Caster, I don't understand why this would happen, if you wanted him to have a normal life, you should have tried harder to keep his powers from kicking in." She hissed. "If I were you, I'd keep him on a tight leash, he might get you in his sleep, intentionally or not." I cast my eyes away, and looked out the free window at the laughing children.

Normal, I'd never have that.


"Xavier! "Claude's booming voice rang out, shaking the walls and I jumped out of my memory with a gasp. I looked up at him, the girl was gone and the room was clear.

"What?" my voice cracked and he crouched in front of me.

"Where the hell is your head? " I blinked, I, myself didn't know." You need to focus. "

"Focus." I repeated, my eyes focused on a shadow behind him. Danielle stood frozen, her brown long hair was floating around her gently, in slow motion and her eyes were a blinding white. I blinked as beside her, I saw my face, smiling cruely, his face all scared up. I shook my head slowly, almost like a person in demial. "No, no..." I whispered, hoping Tru didn't open his mouth to more hurtful noise, noise I already made for myself.

"Xavier? " I moved my head but not my eyes. Tru, blurred, his laugh echoing.

You know it's true... They'll probably chain you up for protection.

"They wouldn't..." I whispered. "They wouldn't go that far." I whispered.

Look at them, and say that again. He dissappeared in a mist of pale almost whitened pink. Claude looked at me, his eyes filled woth concern.

"You would chain me?" I asked in a whisper. His brows furrowed. "Tell me you wouldn't."

"Something is blocking everything, I can't pass through." Danielle said in a gasp, blinking rapidly. "We have an intruder."

17 December 2016
3 November 2021

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