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Two weeks later...


"Just breath and allow your instincts to take over. " I clenched my jaw, sweat dripping down my face. I took a deep breath as instructed." Clear your mind, Xavier, try to think of nothing." I closed my eyes then and cleared my thoughts of the new girl I just couldn't understand and my sisters crush on our brothers girlfriend and Christian.

I sighed softly, Christian. I opened my eyes to the dark room and stood straighter, my mind clear but only Christian wouldn't leave. Out of nowhere, a man appeared, he was bloodied and had no eye sockets. I raised my hand, palm facing him and my middle finger curled, the man froze and I turned my hand abruptly and it turned to sand.

Suddenly from behind me, a weird creature with tentacle hands and octapus legs. My eyes widened as I thrust both my hands out and an explosion of red hot fire enveloped the thing, it let out a squeal, flopping around and shriveling up.

"The hell was that? " I yelled out with wide eyes before I heard two loud groans to my left and right. My hands suddenly had violet coloured swords and I let my instincts kick in.

The creatures were invisible but somehow I could feel them. I dodged to the side and swong my sword across, it connected with something hard and metallic. Suddenly I was cut across my cheek in my state of shock. Christian flashed behind my eyelids, then as though a fire woke from inside of me, I charged, swinging left and right, I flipped in the air as I somehow knew it was charging at me.

I flipped in the air and landed in a crouch, I felt a sudden surge of power and I knew my eyes were pitch black. I dug my fingers into the concrete ground as though it were sand. I then felt as the ground shook beneath my feet and light shone from the cracks which started to appear, leading to where I guessed to be the standing of the invisible creatures. The ground opened beneath their feet and I felt sweat dripping down from my hair down my forehead to my nose.

Then there was silence and I was panting, suddenly feeling tired, I blinked, and then Theodore's intense grey eyes were staring down at me. I flushed and looked away. Danielle was panting as well, Travis looked as though he'd just won a lottery and our newest addition was wide eyed and pale, looking ready to pass out.

"What the hell were those things? "Hanna said in absolute fear.

"Figments of your imagination, come to life." Theodore explained. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to seem uninterested.

"What goal was meant to be met exactly. " She asked, moving to take a seat on the nearest tree stump. I looked up at the clear sky, we were surrounded by trees, I spotted a few squirrels watching from the tree top and it was honestly weird how they all seem to be fixated on Theodore.

"The goal, dear, was to allow for your instincts to help you fight a battle unexpectedly, while still maintaining control. " He waved his hand and weeds from the ground rose up to his command. He moved his hands gracefully, looking so at home, they twirled amd twisted, intertwining to form a table and chairs. Flowers bloomed at random around." Care for some strawberries anyone? " I shook my head, taking a step back even but I couldn't bring myself to actually leave.

"If you don't mind, I have to get going." Danielle said with a barely there and forced smile.

"Are you okay? "Travis asked with concern. Danielle smiled at him, touching his hand gently.

"I'll be fine, just need some rest."  We could all see it. The lie hiding in her hazel blue eyes, she didn't even believe herself either, but nobody commented, instead we watched her turn around and leave, her head down. I wanted to go with her, but I didn't, instead I forced my gaze onto Hanna who had already been staring intensely at me.

2. Xavier Alan Phoebe {bxb}Where stories live. Discover now