Playful Spirit [19] Believer

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Chapter Nineteen



I was laying naked, curled up in the corner of the cell. Becca locked it after she put me inside and hid the key, so there was no way for them to get me out. 

That had happened about two days ago.

I heard the door open, but made no move, just continued to curl into myself, trying to salvage some warmth, but failing miserably.

"You're pathetic." I heard Delta snap as she slammed the door shut. I waited a couple minutes before deciding to slowly turn around and look at my kidnapper.

"I used to admire you." I said softly. Delta snapped her head at me and walked over, squatting by the cage.

"What?" She snarled. I sat up a little and met her cold brown eyes.

"You were strong. You had been pushed around by men, but you kept fighting. Unlike myself, who just wanted to give up after I was betrayed, but this," I stopped and glanced down at myself and around the room, "This makes me think the complete opposite." She narrowed her eyes at me and without saying a word, got up and walked back to the work bench.

This was perfect.

She was having second thoughts and that was the prefect chance for me to get out. I had been trying my best not to show them I wasn't weak anymore. After the full moon, when I woke up, I felt refreshed and full of power. But I couldn't let any of them know that.

So, I just acted like I was weak and defenseless, and now it was going to pay off.

"I'll do whatever you want." Delta slowly turned around at my words. "If you want Nikolai, take him."

"What about Ryder? You know your husband, his father?" She asked, raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"If Ryder cared for us, he would be here by now and we would already be out." I saw the contemplation in her eyes and knew I needed to push just a little bit harder. 

"I'm too weak to fight you, so that's not even an option. And even if it was, I wuldn't try anything cause I know you're stronger than me. Just get me some clothes and take me to say goodbye to my son. Then you can do whatever you want with me and take Nikolai and leave." I waited, the only sound in the room being the dripping of water from the hole in the ceiling. I watched Delta put down some things before turning to face e with a smile.

"This was easier than expected." Inside, I was sighing in relief that she bought everything, but my face was stoic. "Let me get them in here to cut the bars on the cage and I'll grab some clothes. They won't be nice." She warned and I just shrugged, trying to come off with the feeling of not caring. She gave me a once over before smiling and leaving the room. Once the door closed, I immediately turned around, so my back was too the room.

I heard in one of the many conversations with Becca, that mating bonds were so strong, that the other could hear their mate through telepathy. I never tried it, seeing as it was mostly used in another mate was in trouble. Which then made me curious as to why Ryder had never tried, but then again, he's probably been to focused on finding us to remember.

I shut my eyes and cleared my mind of everything and pictured Ryder. I imagined his voice, his face, his body, everything. Once I had the picture, I started calling out to him. After about the fifth time, I started getting frustrated cause he wasn't answering me, so I decided to say what I needed to.

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