Playful Spirit [3] Freedom at Last

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Chapter Three

 Freedom at Last

Today was the day. I was finally getting out of this pompous ass of a town.

That might also be the reason why I decided to go downstairs and actually eat breakfast with my parents. 

"So, you excited to finally be done with school?" My dad asked with a smirk as he shoved some eggs into his mouth. I stared at him in disgust before shaking my head and grabbing a piece of bacon.

"You could say that." I said slyly, nibbling on the bacon. My dad laughed at that and my mom giggled, hitting my arm playfully.

"We're just glad you're speaking to us again. And you're finally giving up on that silly dream of being a painter." I sarcastically laughed at them and rolled my eyes when they looked away.

Huh, yeah. I sure gave up on one dream. And that was theirs.

I had already booked the hotel in Emery, Google mapped the directions and I had my things packed in my car. I was ready to rock and roll as soon as the diploma hit my hand.

"You said you were going to that orientation at the law school today right?" My mom asked, grabbing our empty plates and walking to the sink with them.

"Yeah. Actually, it starts around one, so I have to leave as soon as I get my diploma." I told them, trying to make my voice come off as smooth as possible. One wrong voice crack and it was over.

"Really? Well, I guess."

"Why don't we come with you?" My dad interjected and I all put screamed in frustration.

"Dad. I want to be independent. Let me do this on my own, alright?" I said as nicely as I could. I was trying so hard not to just give them the bird and leave right now. Playing nice was not one of my strong suites, believe it or not.

"Tommy. Let the girl do it on her own." My mom said, smacking my dads arm before she turned to give me a smile. "When will you be back sweetheart?"

"Uh-- Five maybe?" 

"Sounds reasonable." My mom muttered to herself. She glanced over at the clock on the stove and gasped. "Look at the time! We need to head out." I watched as my mother moved around the house like a chicken with her head cut off and my dad yelled at her to, "Stop acting like a fucking chicken with its head cut off."

It was amusing, and there was a small part in me that felt like I would miss these rare moments. But that was just it. 

They were rare.

And they were only acting this way because they got what they wanted. Or at least they think they did. But I'll save all that for when I'm gone and they can't do anything about it. I was making sure to cover up my tracks well. I had been careful with researching the towns and just to throw them off, I made sure to look up a bunch of random towns that I had no intention of even passing. So in case they went through my history, they would find everything but where I was going.

The sweet small town of Emery.

"Scarlet! Get your bahookie outside right now! You need to be there before us!" I heard my mother yell from somewhere in the house. I rolled my eyes at her incapability to curse and got up from my seat at the dining room table. I gave the room one last look and smiled. My last time ever seeing this kitchen.

I wish I could say I would miss the memories I had in it, but there were none. Just countless memories of nights spent of me eating alone or eating silently with my parents. 

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