Playful Spirit [7] The gut-wrenching truth.

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New person playing Ryder: Marlon Teixeria----->

Chapter 7

The Gut-Wrenching Truth

I hadn't gotten out of bed since the night I fell asleep on the living room floor surrounded by my paints.

Honestly, what kind of sickness made you feel like every time you moved, your bones were breaking? I had the flu once, and I was achy, but not crumbling to the floor in pain achy. I had begun to think I might be pregnant, seeing as I've missed my period. But I'm on birth control, and I was that night. So, I was not pregnant. And if I was, I shouldn't be feeling like this.

Thinking about going to the doctor was immediately voted out when I collapsed to the floor, trying to get my phone. So, I had no way of calling anyone if I needed help. If I died, no one would know.

But no one would care either.


Scarlet, we aren't thinking like that anymore.

We're supposed to be happy and thinking on the positive side . Ha, who am I kidding? Everyone stopped talking to me in just a couple of days of knowing them. I honestly didn't know what I did wrong. I felt my hand twitch under the covers and I sighed, knowing all to well what that meant.

But how the hell am I supposed to get up and paint? I slowly peeled back the blanket and let my body slide off my bed. Right when I hit the floor, my cellphone started to go off. I groaned and smacked my head to the ground. I hissed in pain as I realized my mistake and a burning pain went through my skull.

I had started to crawl, or attempt too, towards the living room to get my phone. I was half-way there when it shut off. "Are you kidding me?" I yelled to no one. I sighed, laying on my stomach and resting my head on the cool floor. I had broken into a cold sweat on my adventure to get my phone. I was about to make my way back to my bedroom, having give up on trying to paint, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who the fuck it that?" I growled, suddenly growing annoyed than I should be. I moved towards the door, reaching up and unlocking the door.

"It's open." I called out to whoever was out there. The door slowly opened, and I put my head down. I was loosing my energy quicker than usual.

"Scarlet?" I arched my eyebrow's at the familiar male voice. I heard the door close and looked up to see Tyler standing in front of me, his face full of concern.

What was he doing here?

"Why are you on the ground?" he asked, his sharp features twisting into a worried expression.

"Why are you here?" I spat back coldly. "You gonna tell me to stay away from Ryder too like your girlfriend did? If so, save it, cause I already know." My voice got louder towards the end and Tyler looked extremely confused.

"Could I like, pick you up? Cause I mean, talking to you on the floor is a little awkward."

"No. I'm fine like this." He stared at me, not convinced that I was comfortable on the ground. "Okay fine. But carefully." I warned him. He nodded, bending down and gently scooping me up. I had expected my body to scream in protest, but instead I felt nothing as he set me down on the couch.

"Whats wrong?" Tyler asked as he took a seat across from me. The look on his face told me he already new my situation, but I had a feeling he wanted to hear it from my mouth.

"Well, I was having fun, making friends, met Ryder, did somethings which by the way, despite what he told you, he kissed me first." Tyler smiled at that but nodded for me to continue. "After we did it, he left saying he was sorry. I figured the sorry was for when he bit me. But anyway, everyone's stopped talking to me, my body feels like its falling apart so I'm afraid to move. I just don't know what to do anymore." I took a deep breath after I finished explaining everything and looked back at Tyler.

Playful SpiritOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz