Playful Spirit [15] Black Pearl

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Picture of Ryder. Sexy little motherfucker O_O---->

Chapter Fifteen


Black Pearl

 The second I kicked Scarlet out, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I wanted so badly to run back, wrap her in my arms and tell her to never leave.

But I couldn't.

I was the Alpha. I couldn't let my pack see me forgiving what we believed to be a horrible crime. Cheating was punishable by death and I honestly never wanted that for Scarlet. I didn't think much of her sleeping with Jared because in all honesty, I was being a dick to her. I planned on letting it go, and not saying anything.

But the minute I smelt that pricks scent on her. The way it overpowered mine, it just sent my wolf crazy and I ended up blurting it out in front of a bunch of people. And that was how it came down to me yelling at Jared and then telling Scarlet to leave.

God I was such a fool.

I loved her, I really did and I know it looked unbelievable, but trust me when I say I would die for her. The day she walked into the cafe, I knew she was the one. It felt like my world had stopped and came to a stand still. I planned to take it slow this time, seeing as the girls from before were just flings, but I knew that Scarlet was long-term. That night at the club, my intentions were to never go home with her. I honestly just wanted to dance, have fun and get to know who I planned to spend the rest of my life with.

One thing led to another, however and in the blind-eye of lust and passion I did what I never wanted to. I mated with her. I remember waking up next to her and just staring. The way she looked in the moonlight, breathing lightly with a smile on her face made me realize what I had done.

She was a girl with hopes and dreams and I had just cursed her with something she knew nothing about. So, like the coward I was, I left. I just got up and left her there. I wanted to go back and tell her everything, but the days that followed I realized how much I had screwed up. She probably woke up and cried and now was wondering about the pains that came with the change. And I couldn't go and explain.

I didn't deserve her.

And thats exactly what I told myself. I ignored her, hoping that maybe if I treated her like crap she would forget me and go do what she planned to. That in turn made me an ass to everyone because I couldn't tell anyone and my wolf was getting pissed that I was denying my mate.

The days that followed, I ended up caving and telling Tyler, who in turn told Erin. They made me go with them to break the news to Scarlet, but by then, she had already changed. After she knew eveything and came to the pack, I learned that it was better to stop fighting my wolf and accept my mate and when I did that, I realized I loved her deeply. More than I ever loved anyone. I wanted to show her so badly. Even after she slept with someone else, I still loved her. Hell, I probably loved her more after that. But I couldn't abandon my duties as an Alpha.

The months were torture and I felt like I was slowly dying. And the whole pregnancy bomb that Becca dropped on me the next day made none of it any better. I realized after four months, I needed to see her, but I had no clue where she was. I spent everyday in the woods in my true form, just wondering around until one day, I found her.

At first I didn't believe it was her, but when I saw her stomach next to the basket of clothes, I felt that sudden pull and knew it was her. After that, I made sure to go to the same spot everyday after that, but soon, she stopped coming. I sent out groups to find her after explaining to my pack the situation we were in. They understood and forgave Scarlet for her crime and agreed to help me find her. I had sent Dorian out with his friend and when Dorian was the only one to return, the state he was in told me he ran into trouble.

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