Playful Spirit [13] Up in Flames

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Picture of Delta----->

Chapter Thirteen

Up in Flames

 Bloodmoon was exactly how I imagined it.

Nah, I'm kidding. It just looks like a more darker version of Golden Valley. The set up of the houses and town was the same, but the design of the exterior and interior had a more Gothic feel than modern like Golden Valley had.

Either way, it was a hell of a lot better than that fucking cave.

Noel and I had gotten a house all to ourselves and let me just say, calling it a house was an understatement. The thing was as big as a mansion. There were about twenty rooms in total, not including the bathrooms, offices, kitchens or living rooms.

Yes, all of those were plural.

We had two kitchens, one in the front and one in the back, four living rooms, three offices and six bathrooms.

All in all, Noel was having a field day.

It was quite adorable how he reacted when we were given the place. Every room he went into, all you heard was a gasp and then a squeal. I had to teach him how to use half the stuff though and lets just say, teaching him how to use the shower and microwave were the most time consuming.

We'd only been here for a week though, so Noel was getting used to all the modern technology that the cave didn't have while I was waiting to give birth to this child that insisted on making me stay awake. I sighed, lying back against the plush couch in one of the many living rooms and closed my eyes. I had convinced Noel to go to school, hoping he would learn something and now I was finally able to relax.

The television was on, but on a low volume. I had learned that if I kept something on, like music or a show, than the baby would hear it and it would distract it so I could get some sleep. I didn't know how long it would last this time though. I did the same thing last night and it took it two hours before it realized I wasn't moving. I was slowly drifting off, a smile tugging at my lips as I thought of the long deserved sleep.

“Scarlet? Are you alive?” I opened my eyes and looked to see Delta standing in front of me. I sighed and made a whining noise as my baby kicked me, meaning that it was awake and fully kicking.

“Yeah, I'm alive.” I sighed. I held my hand out and she helped pull me up. “What do you need? I thought I wasn't taking Beta position until after I gave birth?” Apparently, being a Beta is a shit load of work that I couldn't do while pregnant, so I was on maternity leave until I gave birth.

“Speaking of birthing, we have a doctors appointment. Need to find out when this suckers due.” Delta rubbed my stomach and I cringed. I hated when people touched my stomach without my consent. The second I arrived I in Bloodmoon, every women and her momma wanted to rub my belly. It was annoying and I snapped at a few people, but they passed it off as hormones.

“This thing is growing really fast.” I said softly as I walked to get my jacket. Delta nodded her head in agreement and we walked out of the house and down to the doctors.

The doctor was actually a really old were couple. They couldn't produce any children so they spent their lives experimenting and learning about the wolf body so they could help out with or kind, seeing as human doctors would pass out if a puppy came out of my who-ha instead of a human baby or if one second their arms split open and the next its healed.

Not something anyone would want to see for the first time.

We reached the tiny clinic in the far end of the town and walked in. Giovanni Garber was the old lady and nurse to her husband, who was the doctor. In all honesty, they both could pass as doctors, but Nate Garber's wife preferred to stay the dutiful nurse and wife.

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