Playful Spirit [5] Just having fun

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Chapter Five

Just having fun

(This chapter contains mature content. You have been warned. Also, just a warning, I am a full-fledged virgin and proud, so if the sex scene seems unrealistic, get over it. I don't know how everything works besides what I've seen in censored versions on movies and shows and what I've read in books, which isn't a lot mind you -.-)

We were going to a club.

A freaking underground club that barley anyone knew about, but it was still jam-packed. And I looked like I was going to some fancy dinner in my dress for fucks sake. It was a black body-con long sleeve dress that turned into white lace at my shoulders and traveled on to the sleeves.

It had the potential to be a club outfit, but not this type of club.

Everyone was wearing barley anything, the girls having cut their dresses and skirts so high up that they could pass as just a strip of fabric and the guys ditched their shirts the minute they walked in the door.

I sighed and followed behind Erin as we went to go meet with her friends. Now she was dressed for a club. Her dress was also a body-con, but was cut-out in the back so it fell to a long loose strip that was decorated in gold accents. The front of the dress hung low, revealing more cleavage then I thought I would ever see from Erin.

"Oh look, I see Anna-Caroline!" Erin yelled over the loud music. I looked over to where she was rushing us and saw a blond haired woman sitting in a booth. Her hair was in loose curls that fell to her shoulders and she had a permanent smirk planted on her lips. Why am I getting this bitchy vibe from this chick? Maybe its the hair...

"Erin, Hey! Good thing you could make it!" Anna-Caroline said as she hugged Erin and then turned to look at me. "Wow, you got the new girl to come? She's hot. Good luck keeping the guys off her tonight." She winked at me and I felt heat creeping up my cheeks.

"Puh-lease. Ryder couldn't even control himself when they met in the cafe. He practically undressed her with his eyes." Erin snorted. They both slid into the booth while I stood there, staring at them in shock.

"You know I'm right here?" I said astonished. I couldn't really complain though, because most people wouldn't have the decency to talk about me in front of my face. Anna-Caroline looked at me, her eyebrows arching and the corners of her mouth twisting upwards.

"Sweetheart, those were compliments. The boys in this town are the hardest to get, and you somehow managed to attract the one guy every girl has wet dreams about."

"Okay, yeah. Way too much information there for me." I sighed, sliding in the booth beside her.

"Speak of the devil." Anna-Caroline said seductively as she stared ahead of us. I followed her eyes and cursed under my breath. Four guys were making their way over to our table, one of which I could identify as Ryder. His hazel eyes met my brown ones and a devilish smile formed on his lips.

"Hello there beautiful ladies." One guy said, sliding in next to Erin who giggled like a little schoolgirl. His hair was a dirty blond and was slicked back, making him look like a business man.

"Hey, has anyone seen Luna? She said she was meeting us here." I looked up to see a guy with very tan skin looking around frantically. His hair was the same color as mine and it looked like he just threw some water in it and ran his fingers though.

"So is anyone going to introduce the new girl sitting beside Annie or we just gonna have to make up names?" The guy next to Erin asked. I laughed and cleared my throat, preparing to speak when Erin interrupted.

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