17. Downfall

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It's been thirteen days since Ruki had left on tour.

Rin has been counting them along with how many hours and minutes they were away from each other, but soon gave up on the latter. It was already December, the temperature had dramatically dropped with constant rain pouring in the city of Tokyo. The girl drowned herself to work, only relaxing late at night when Ruki would call her after the show but that had abruptly stopped two days ago. Not knowing who to call or what to do, Rin stopped calling her boyfriend. She knew that the shows kept going since there were updates on their twitter accounts and site but she didn't dare make a move. Something had happened; and Rin knew that it probably wasn't good for her. Her attention span was now shorter than a few minutes, she only took care of Koron and Riki, completely ignoring her family's pleas to visit them since it was the month of holidays.

Currently the young woman was sitting in her house, after another tiring day with Koron on her lap sleeping soundly and Riki running on the rest of the couch, enjoying his freedom. Ruki would probably kill her for letting him out even if she was paying attention to him. But to be honest; she couldn't careless being at the state she was. Flipping through channels, not really paying attention to what was playing, Rin suddenly stopped when she saw the name of Ruki's band on the screen. It was a music channel and his band was featured. The girl quickly sat up, turning up the volume  as The GazettE appeared. She couldn't help the scowl that formed in her face, as Ruki appeared sitting all high and mighty like always when he was being interviewed. 

The hosts quickly introduced the well known band, each member saying their name and specialty in the band and then the questions begun. It was all from how the tour was going, to what they were planning for the new year. They laughed and answered, joking to one another with the occassional breaks for advertisements. After half an hour of useless blabber a question was asked to the five men that made Rin perk up.

"Are you guys in love?" The hostess asked, a smirk playing on her lips. Everyone looked at each other, secretly passing heated stares at Ruki.

"I am in love. With Uruha of course." Reita joked, slinging an arm around his friend's shoulders as they all laughed. Rin internally rolled her eyes.

"Nah. no time for romance." Aoi replied, Kai nodding his head in agreement.

"What about you Ruki-san?" The male host asked, raking Ruki with a look that implied he knew something about the man's personal life. It took several minutes for Ruki to answer. He was obviously contemplating if he should spill the beans or not. Besides it was a delicate matter and as Rin heard from Mrs Sai. Japanese people, even Korean and Chinese are not allowed to reveal their relationships unless they are married or something. Obviously they thought they were going to lose fans or some sort.

"No, I am not in love."

"Are you guys dating someone? Or seeing someone?"

They all shook their heads and a pang of sadness struck Rin. Surely she wasn't expecting a superstar to suddenly burst and tell everyone he was happily in love, but the realization that they probably would be hiding for a long time made a tear stroll down her cheek. A sob tore out of her throat as she stared at Ruki, the conversation going on, but everything was now distorted in her ears. A whine escaped from Koron as he looked up at Rin, licking her stray tears and pushing his head against her cheek in consolation. The young woman smiled sadly down at the dog and stood up, wiping her tears angrily. She grabbed Riki, putting him back in his cage, and then pulled Koron in her arms, going towards the hallway trying to decide which bedroom she should feel better sleeping in. The bed they shared or the one that was probably cold and unfamiliar to her? Slowly she decided on going to their bedroom. She fell down on the bed, crawling under the blankets while Koron settled on her chest, his snoot nuzzling her throat.

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