Chapter 1

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I heard the clicking of boots against the floor grow louder and more prominent.

No you cant sit there! That’s where Nadia has to sits! No please! My mind screamed but it was too late, he had done it, he had sat his damn ass on that seat, that’s his for the rest of the term! Just great!

I hid my face behind my hair and fiddled with my pen. Maybe I can just get by the term ignoring Michael and then next term Nadia can sit next to me. I rolled my eyes at my own stupid thought, I cant ignore him, what if we have a partnered assignment and have to work with the person beside us!  My thought were interrupted by a small nudge to my elbow that was resting on the table.

I slowly looked up at Michaels tall and intimidating gaze and gave him a fake smile.

"Hey" He said holding out his hand. I slowly took it in my own and gave it a small shake before letting go. Who knows what he had done with his hands. I quickly looked back at my pen and decided looking at it didn’t seem too productive so I took a few useless notes in my book. Some not even making sense but hopefully giving Michael the hint that I did not feel like talking.

The class was nearly over and I was on the edge of my seat ready to gun it as that bell rings. Michael hadn't made any attempt to talk to me again thankfully.

"Amelia and Michael could I please see you when the bell goes" The teacher instructed and I sunk back in my seat. What could he need with us.. Both of us.. Together. Suddenly the loud ring of the bell filled the room and the rest of the class filed out. Me on the other hand slowly walked over to my teachers desk.

"Yes sir?" I asked once I made my way over there

"I was wondering if you could show Michael around, if that’s alright with both of you?"

Michael nodded and so did I not feeling like being a bitch. For all I know he could tell the whole school I didn’t accept the request and everyone would think I was a bitch. Meaning attention!

I walked out of the room putting my books in my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"If you want you could just show me to the math block, I have friends there" Michael said looking down at his feet.

I nodded and headed in that direction. It wasn’t too far away so we were there in no time. I watched as Michaels eyes spotted a group of three boys I had never seen before. The boys seemed to notice him and came charging in our direction. I flinched as they all started jumping around Michael and myself.

'Who's this lovely lady?" a boy with blonde hair pulled up into a quiff said. It only caused me to notice now that they were Australian, as was I. I moved from Australia to California when I was 13 and have been here for 4 years making me 17 years of age.

"this is Amy, she helped me get here" Michael said to the boys.

'Well, I'm Luke, lovely to meet you!" The same blonde boy said. I nodded my head.

"I'm Ashton, but you can call me Ash" Another boy said with golden curly hair said.

"Hey, I'm Calum" The last one said grabbing my hand and giving the top a gentle kiss. I giggled at his gesture.

'Its nice to meet all of you" I said and watched their faces light up with surprise.

"Oh my god your Australian!" Ashton screamed

"We didn’t give you a proper introduction" Said Calum and the three boys engulfed me in a tight hug. My eyes went wide and I quickly looked over to Michael for some assistance.

"Guys she cant breathe" Michaels voice said loudly causing all boys except Calum to let go of me.

"uhm, Cal you can let go of her now" Said Luke trying to pry him away.

"Well thanks for helping me" Michael said and I nodded in reply before turning around and walking away.

As much as that was an, er, interesting experience, I hope that it never happens again.

I slowly walked over to my "Group" of friends and sat down silently. We usually have 2 periods in the morning but this one was extended for all the year 8 kids.

'Hey Amy!" Said Elena, one of my best friends. I classed many people as my friends but Nadia and Elena were my closest friends I could tell anything.

"did you see the new boys? Their Australian like you" She cooed nudging my shoulder. I gave a shy smile and nodded looking down at my hands.

"Oooh you like one of them!"

"No!" I lied, well part lied, they were very nice, and all of them were very attractive, and plus being Australian makes them automatically on my like list. I smiled to myself, Calum was a cutie, but something kept drawing me to Michael. He was so mysterious and intimidating, and very good looking. All my senses were telling me he Is trouble but inside there was something bringing me to not stop thinking about him.

The day went by fast and I was soon on the bus again back home. Once I got to my front door I walked in and headed up to my room where I would spend the rest of my afternoon on various social media sites, yes, very exciting. Today I jumped on my bed dragging my laptop from the floor beside it and booting the piece of technology up. While I waited I sent Nadia a quick text asking why the hell she decided to miss the first day of senior year.

My first destination was Facebook. I logged on and saw 4 new facebook friend requests. I clicked on the little icon and saw they were from the boys. I quickly accepting all taking a bit for time with Michaels. Its not like he would start talking to me.

Next was twitter. I clicked on a new tabb and opened up the page to find 6 new followers, wow! That is an achievement. I have 150 followers of Twitter, nothing special but I guess I have 156 now. I clicked on my notifications to find out they were from a random account, Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael again. And a band? I clicked on the band after following the boys back and saw it was in fact an Australian band called '5 Seconds Of Summer' I soon noticed that with was actually the band of all 4 boys I met today! Wow, their in a band?

You know, I said being Australians made these boys awesome, but being in an Australian band! Wow factor has just gone through the roof.

Suddenly I heard the front door open and close.

"Amy come help me with dinner please!" My mum shouted from the kitchen. I obeyed closing the lid of my laptop and heading down the stairs with only one thought going through my head.

5 Seconds Of Summer.

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