Chapter 6

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I kicked my feet along the ground as I made my way to the next class. Everyone was walking in by the time I made it to the door so I merged my way through and in the middle of the small herd of students. Not looking up I quickly sat in the seat beside Nadia. "So how was Role Class?" I asked looking over at my cheerful friend. "Good!" She sang with her head held high. I rolled my eyes. "What got you so happy?"

Nadia giggled. Wow, a giggle? Something big must have happened for her to turn all girly and giggly.

"Luke walked me to Role Class" Nadia answered lowly so no one else heard. We don't want others to think differently and jeopardise the boy's reputation. Everyone seemed to like the "New Australians" Putting their place quite high on the social food chain.

I quickly looked around in search for Michael, I knew he was in this class and I soon spotted his unique reverse skunk hair sitting on the other side of the classroom already looking at me. I gave him a small smile before looking down at my hands. No Amy! That was too much; you should have just pretended you didn't see him.

Class went by torturously slow; the whole lesson consisted of Michael looking at me. He would always look away once I caught him, and to be honest it was quite fun catching him in the act.

"I'll meet you in art, I have to go do some stuff" Nadia said as we were walking out of Science. I nodded my head before seeing her disappear into the sea of people. I continued my journey to the art department, but for some reason I felt like I was being watched. I quickly glanced behind my shoulder seeing Michael a few steps away. I let out a small breathe I didn't realise was being held before stopping in my tracks so Michael could catch up.

"Hey" I said, trying to be social, and not rude.

"Hey, are you going to art?" Michael asked as he pulled me away from a bunch of loud jocks jumping around in the halls. Probably so I don't get trampled on.

"Thanks" I quickly said looking down at my feet. "And yes" I answered his question.

Michael looked at me shaking his head. "Come" He simply said before grabbing my hand and pulling me in the opposite direction.

"Michael! Class is that way" I argued trying to free my hand but he only held it tighter.

"Where are you taking me!" I cried getting annoyed by now. We were nearly at the school entrance and it didn't take me too long to realise what he was doing. "Oh no you don't! Michael I can't skip school!" Michael just laughed. "It's only one day" he said before looking at me with an evil smirk. "Plus you did promise to get to know me, so here's your chance"

I rolled my eyes, great, he has me stuck now. I finally gave in and let him drag me to his car. Michael opened the passenger door, like a gentleman and beckoned me to get in.

"Where are we going?" I asked once Michael was in the driver's seat.

"It's a secret" he answered before the engine roared to life and we sped away.

The drive was silent. I looked out the window in an attempt to figure out where Michael was taking me. I didn't want to make conversation to say the least. I was terrified of mucking up and ruining everything, so it's best to just lay low. I could feel Michael was just as awkward as I was, the awkwardness was practically filling up the vehicle, leaving no room for oxygen to breathe.

"So, tell me about yourself" Michael said after the long silence.

I hesitated before speaking up "There really isn't much to say" I replied thinking it would be the easiest way out.

Michael gave me a quick glance before looking back at the road. "c'mon, I'm sure there's something" 

I quickly shook my head feeling embarrassed. Michael sighed "I know your nervous Amy, I just want to be your friend, you can trust me, I would never hurt you" For some reason Michaels words gave me confidence. Maybe I could trust him; he is just trying to make conversation.

"Well, my name is Amelia Peters, I'm 17, and I was born in Australia but moved to California when I was 13 because of my dad's work. I like the internet and I live on Wi-Fi, forget all about oxygen it's about the connection" I spoke honestly and looked at Michael. He was sitting there with a wide smile.

"Well, I'm Michael Clifford, I was born in Sydney Australia and I'm in a band." Michael answered leaving me quite irritated.

"Michael! I opened up my feelings to you and you just tell me something I already know?"

Michael laughed loudly and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful sound. "I don't really think Wi-Fi is deep and meaningful"

I put my hand to my heart in mock offence. "For your information, I am very passionate about my Wi-Fi!"

We both laughed this time and before I knew it Michael had parked his car in front of the mall.

"What are we doing?" I asked Michael as we both started walking to the front entrance.

"Well I thought what best way to get to know each other than shopping? We can get lunch and find out what each other like to eat, we can go to the music store and I can find out what music you like and ill even let you drag me into a girly shop." Michael said with the cutest grin on his face. Wait! Amy, don't! You can't think like that!

I nodded in reply while Michael guided me to the first shop, the music store. I smiled as we entered the room with CD's and records displayed all around. Michael turned to me, "Okay, you go find the album you want and I'll find mine" I nodded my head and headed in the direction where I would find the Green Day album. I smiled to myself once I saw Michael heading to the same rack. He turned his head to watch me grab the album I wanted. Michael reached out and grabbed it out of my hand. "Hmm, good choice" snatching the album back, "So what are you going to get?"

Michael looked around before going to the pop section. Huh? Pop? He quickly grabbed the new Beyoncé album.

"Um, okay then" I said while walking to the counter. "What? Can't I listen to Beyoncé?" Michael asked as we approached the lady behind the desk.

"I never said that" I replied with an innocent smile. Michael laughed before putting his attention on the lady impatiently waiting to serve us. Michael quickly handed her the money and left without a word.

"Wait! Michael, I was going to pay for that!" I cried, he only shrugged before dragging me off to the food court.

"What do you want to eat?" Michael asked me as we maneuvered our way through the crowd of people.

"What about KFC?" I asked, "KFC it is then" Michael replied walking over to the shop. We ordered our food and found a table. We just ate and spoke about stuff, mainly which types of video games we liked. I had soon learnt that Michael loved to play games.

"Where to now?" I asked when Michael got back from putting the rubbish in the bin. He just shrugged his shoulders. I sighed before grabbing his arm and dragging him to a clothing store. "Wait no!" Michael screamed as we approached the girly store. "You can't do this to me!" He screamed falling to the floor like he was injured.

"Michael, you said I could drag you into a girly shop, so I insist you get up and let me do that!" I scolded the whimpering boy on the floor. Such a child.

Michael stood up and held out his arm for me to grab. I smiled evilly as I pulled him along and into the store.

Michael wandered around looking at the clothes on display. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts before walking over to the cash register and paying for them.

"Is that all your getting?" Michael said startling me. I nodded my head and grabbed Michaels arm again dragging him out of the shop.

"I'm tired!" I complained after wandering through another shop, this time for Michael.

"Okay we will go soon" Michael answered paying for his clothes. Once we were done we headed back to the car.

"I'm glad you came with me" Michael said after a couple minutes of silence in the car.

"I'm glad I came too, I had a nice time Michael"

Michael finally got to my house after countless wrong turns. "You really need to learn your way around town" I said before opening the door. Michael quickly leant over and shut it before hopping out and opening the door himself.

"Thank you for taking me out today." I said to Michael once we got to my front door. "I had a good time"

Michael gave me a small smile. "Yeah, I had fun too" And with that he left, not a second glance.

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