Chapter 21

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Monday had approached and I was nervous. Not only was this going to be Michael and the others last day, but I won’t be seeing them again for a while. At least I will still have Nadia and Elena, we will continue the school year together.

I got up and changed into another sweater and jeans, I walked into the bathroom and put a light cover of foundation and some mascara, makeup makes me feel more secure, even if there isn't much on. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar and an apple for lunch, I will probably steal something from the boys if I am hungry during the day. I grabbed my backpack and slipped on my shoes before going on a search for one of my parents in the house. I found my mum in the study on her Ipad reading a book, probably a gardening book; she is into gardening this week apparently.

"I'm leaving now mum, love you" I said grabbing my mum’s attention.

"Oh okay, maybe you can invite Michael over for dinner tonight?" My mum offered and I smiled giving her a quick nod 'I’ll see if he can" last night I told my parents about Michael and I. My dad didn’t say anything but my mum was more than happy to see me "getting out there" She was once a wild child and I feel she was quite disappointed to find her only daughter choose the quiet life.

I walked out the door and decided for my own sake to drive to school. I hated driving because it meant the risk of getting my car vandalised, but I also hated the bus more so the car overrules this one.

Once I arrived at school I knew just where to go, the tree Michael and Luke made Nadia and I talk again at. I made sure to take the less busy way to the tree and when I saw the new hair Michael had I instantly started smiling. 'Going for a normal hair colour Mikey?" I asked once I was near them.

"It was supposed to be purple but I didn’t like it so it's now white" He replied wrapping an arm around my waste. (Dude, I try to keep up with Michael’s hair, I really do, but here what I got, is his hair like a white colour now?)

Michael leaned down and left a soft kiss on my cheek, I’ve never felt so happy than I am right now, but that will all change when school starts.

The bell rang for class but Michael insisted to walk me to all my classes today. We started walking to science; luckily I had Michael with me for science so I wouldn’t be alone. We walked into the room and sat at our usual seats. Michael got out a book and I got out my book and pen. The teacher started rambling on about something that I couldn’t care about and started writing down notes on the board. I decided maybe I should look busy too, it will distract me from all the stares I was receiving. I reached down to get my pen but it was gone. "Crap" I whispered looking around for my pen. I checked on the floor and under my book, I even checked in my hair for the slight chance I had stuck it in my ponytail.

I looked over at Michael to see him writing down notes, with my pen! "Oi, Get your own!" I whispered trying to snatch the pen out of his grip. "No, I don’t have one and I need to write down these notes!" Michael replied shuffling away from me so I couldn’t get my pen back. "You never take notes asshole" I argued. "Don’t be mean to me" he cried and everyone’s heads snapped in our direction, shit.

"Would you two like to go to the principal?" The teacher asked which we shook our heads in reply.

After class we both walked to our next class, art. Luckily I had most of my classes with Michael so we didn’t have to separate.

"So you two are a thing?" Lillian said approaching Michael and I. She had an unimpressed look on her face as she glared at me. Usually I would be very intimidated by her, scared even, but she was the weak one here, making other people feel like crap. "Yeah, we are" I replied feeling defensive.

"Mikey, you could do so much better" Lillian said battering her eyes at Michael. He was about to reply when I stopped him.

"Why don’t you mind your own god damn business before I hit on behalf of all the kids you have put down in the school, all the lives you have ruined, how about a hit for each one yeah?" Lillian's face changed to something like fear and anger.

"You can’t threaten me" She squealed gaining a lot of attention, she was the schools diva queen, of course she was going to gain the attention, and this time I don’t even care that it’s also directed at me.

"It won’t be a threat very soon" I said ready to slap this bitch round the mountain, I’ll be slapping a hoe to another dimension, Santa will only be saying hoe hoe this Christmas, this bitch better be careful because I'm apart of the slap-a-hoe tribe! (Michael: I wanna be in the tribe! Ashton: YOU NO BE IN THE TRIBE!)

Michael grabbed my hand pulling me away from Lillian, "Let’s go Amy" he whispered dragging me away and towards our next class.

"Mike, I really wanted to hit her!" I said frustrated that he had stopped me. "So did I but I can’t do that and neither can you" he replied giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"It was pretty hot though" He said winking. "You are such a boy!" I whined earning a laugh from Michael "well id kinda hope so" I chuckled quietly "Yeah me too"


Heres another shitty chapter, i wont be updating it for 2 or so weeks because next week is my birthday and i dont want to write then and the week after im going to meth camp... oh no sorry MATH camp -_- anyway, you should all check out my new story 'Fallen Angel' Its a luke story and i know i shouldnt self advertise but idgaf.

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