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I opened my eyes to be faced with black. I went to breath in but started choking on hair? Oh, my cat Bambi was sitting on my face again. I quickly shoved her off and sat up, my tongue poking out like a dog. I tried to wipe off the small bits of hair that had stuck to it. "Gross!" I growled getting up and heading to the bathroom for a shower.

Today is the first day of senior year, as much as this should be a great day, it isn't. School doesn’t mean 'everyone's equal ready to learn.' its more like 'if your not at the top of the food chain your senior life is a living hell.' and as for me, yeah not quite the bottom, far from the top and in the section called, losers no one talks to.

I got out of the shower and changed into my 'don’t get noticed, blend in!' clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast. I grabbed the colourful cereal box and poured the rainbow hoops also known as 'Fruit Loops' the most amazing cereal ever created, into my bowl. I'm not usually late for school, which is good, because being late means attention from my first class, and attention leads to myself lower on the food chain, which leads to social wreck, which leads to not going to school ever again, and then lastly ill be working at McDonalds feeding off the grease that comes off the meat patties everyday. Yeah not very pleasant.

After breakfast I grabbed my backpack and headed down the street and to the bus stop. My place in the bus is at the front, if I dare go past the second set of doors I will be bombarded with dirty looks, which ladies and gentlemen is called attention! And we all know what happens to little old me if I get any attention.

So as per usual I got the bus to school, never changing my seat at the front and headed to my first class, just in time to walk in with everyone else. Blending in perfectly, see this is what my blending in  clothes are perfect for. Today I had science first up and I walked straight to my seat back right hand corner. I usually sit with my best friend Nadia but she is unfortunately away today. I took the seat leaving the one next to me free, but hoping no one will decide to take it. Once the class had started our teacher introduced himself and started laying out some rules, the usual simple first day. I thought I could easily pass this senior year, quickly and quietly. That was until everything changed, all my simple plans of flying through this year unseen were disturbed all due to that one boy, have I known what I was getting myself into before, I wouldn’t have made the choices I did.

"Oh class looks like we have a new student!" The teacher chirped as the door opened and a boy walked in giving the teacher a note. "And this is Michael, nice too meet you Michael, everyone make this young man feel welcome would you" I glanced up at the boy quickly noticing his spiky and rather intimidating black and white hair. He had quite a punk rock look to his appearance with his rolling stones tee, skinny jeans and shiny black boots.

"You may sit down there with Amy"

Never did I know that those few words would change my life forever.

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