Chapter 8

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I searched through my bed sheets once I heard the obnoxious ringing of my phone.

"Hello?" My voice rang through the phone once I found it under my pillow.

"Hey, it's Michael"

Wait! How'd he get my number?

"Uh hey" I uncomfortably spoke. "How did you get my number?"

Michael chuckled through the line, "Yeah sorry I got it off Nadia" I nodded my head before realising he couldn't see me. "Oh"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come down to Charlies bar tonight, we are doing a gig there"

I didn't know how to respond to Michaels offer, I can't go to Charlies bar alone! And my parents certainly wouldn't like it.

"Uh I don't think I'll be allowed" I said earning a groan from Michael.

"Can't you sneak out, it's at seven and going till nine" Michael protested. Does he really want me there?

"I don't know how to sneak out" I replied my innocent side coming out.

"It's easy, tell your parents you're staying at Nadia's" Michael suggested and it wasn't such a bad idea.

"I'll try" I said before hanging up.

I wanted to see the boys play but what if my parents find out I went out tonight? I shook off the feeling, what's the worst that could happen. I quickly pack my overnight bag and made sure to pack my outfit for tonight. I then ran down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder and went looking for one of my parents, that is if anyone was home.

"Mum!" I called my voice echoing through the silent house making a chill run up my spine. "Dad?" no answer.

I smiled to myself before jotting down a quick note for my parents.

Gone to Nadia's, be home tomorrow. And stuck it to the fridge.

I then quickly grabbed my phone to see I had a message from Nadia.

Nadia- Are you going to the gig?

Me- Yup, can I come over and get ready?

Nadia- No!

Me- What! I'm coming over whether you like it or not!

Nadia- Okay chicky babe!

I smiled at the cute little nickname before grabbing my overnight bag and heading out the door. I sat in my car and started it up sighing at the cool air rushing through the vents. I turned up Demons by Imagine Dragons once I turned on the radio and started driving. The song finished and I carefully listened to the host as he spoke about daily news and celebrity gossip while keeping my attention on the road. "We have the new song by 5 Seconds of Summer!" he announced and my heart started racing. Soon the song started blasting through the speakers and I went to turn the volume down.

Simmer down, simmer down

They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

But look around

We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now

If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey

You look so perfect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down

Your lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

And I know now, that I'm so down

I nodded my head along to the song, it was really catchy and I loved it!

Soon I arrived at Nadia's. I stepped out of the car and went up to the door knocking three times before checking if the screen door was unlocked. Yup! Seconds later the front door opened revealing an all dressed up Nadia.

"You're looking good!" I complemented my best friend before walking through the door.

"Thanks" She replied before grabbing her coke off the table and following me into her room.

"So what are you wearing?" Nadia questioned flopping down on her bed like a whale.

I shook my head before heading to the bathroom to change. I walked out feeling confident. I don't usually wear a skirt but I really loved this outfit.

"You are so trying to impress Michael" Nadia laughed as she examined me up and down. I rolled my eyes.

"And you are so trying to impress Luke!" I shot back. Nadia's eyes narrowed and I knew I was going to get a mouth full.

"I am not trying to impress him! I don't even like him! I don't even want to go tonight!" Nadia screamed her face turning red. This is the side on Nadia no one wants to meet.

"Oh please, a dress? You only wear dresses if you're forced to"

'You're wearing a skirt"

"That's because I want to look good tonight"

"And you like Michael" Nadia joked coming down from her angry state.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my phone and handbag. "Is Elena coming tonight?" I asked Nadia as we walked out to my car, it was already 6 and the bar is a 20 minute drive plus traffic. "Yeah she's meeting us there" I nodded my head in response before hopping in my car.

Once we arrived the bar wasn't like it's usual casual self. There was a bouncer out the front and a line of girls and guys waiting just to get it. I groaned knowing this was either going to take forever or we aren't going to get in.

"I wonder why they are being so strict tonight" Nadia asked once we found the end of the line. I just hummed in response trying to hear the group of girl's conversation in front of us.

"Oh my god I hear Michael dyed his hair!" one spoke

"Oh I hope he goes dark again, he is so hot"

"Maybe we can get his attention" For some reason this angered me. I felt jealous of the girls. They were obviously much prettier and could easily catch Michael's attention, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all.

"Amy! Nadia!" I quickly turned around to see Elena all dressed up. She motioned for us to follow her and so we did. She walked past the line of people and past the bouncer into the bar. I hesitated before following her through the doors. The lights were dimmed and the stage was empty, people were gathering around the front of the stage. I joined Nadia and Elena right at the front and looked around to see girls all around my age also waiting for the four boys to come on.

Minutes past and the room was getting more crowded. Then the lights started flashing up on the stage and the Luke ran on followed by Ashton Calum and then Michael. But something was different.


Okay so it's earlier than I said YAY and I'm sorry about my rant but I really wasn't happy about working on Fridays and Saturdays. I'm still not that happy but I had an alright time last night and literally in the process of getting ready for work while typing this.  And comment what you think the different thing about the boys is... Well if you want anyway ;) thaaanks for reading I'm really happy that people are actually reading my stories. It's only taken like 10 of them to get to here! ^.^

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