Chapter 7

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"Where were you today!?" Nadia screamed through the phone. I could literally feel the slap I would have received if she were with me right now.

"Uh, I went home" I lied, I didn't want her to judge me, what I did was wrong, leaving school! But I didn't feel guilty for it; I had too much fun with Michael.

Nadia sighed. "The boys told us Michael was gone, we know you were with him" She said raising her voice.

"Fine, yes I was with Michael"

Nadia giggled "That's all I wanted to hear"

"So you're not angry at me?" I questioned

"No way! It's so cute!" She gushed cause me to roll my eyes. There was a short pause before Nadia spoke up again. "Well I should go" Was all she said before hanging up, strange.

Usually once Nadia started talking about boys id be there all afternoon. 'Oh I saw a cute guy past my house today, he had a skateboard, that so hot!' 'Oh that boy was so cute! Get his number for me!' on and on and on, no stopping it.

Since I left school early I didn't get any homework. Mum would be home soon and I wanted to avoid any conversation with her if possible. It's not that we don't get along; I'm just not in the mood. She is never home and when she is I feel like I'm bombarded with questions. Usually id be straight there waiting for her but I'm just tired and don't want to have to bring up anything revolving around Michael. So instead I grabbed my phone and went out for a walk.

Not to sound too cliché but the weather was perfect. The sun was setting; cooling the air but the pavement was still hot and released the daily warmth as I walked. The wind was nice, flipping my hair around but not too much so it stuck to my face. I would totally be playing Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day now, not in a sad way, in that calming lots of room to think way as I, quote "walked this empty street" It was peaceful and exactly how I liked it.

I had probably been walking for 15 minutes when I found myself on the beachfront. This was awfully close to the boy's house, too close. But this is exactly where I came when I wanted to clear my head and no stupid boyband was going to change that.

I had done my research on these boys and I guarantee thousands of girls would be at my throat right now if they heard me calling them a boyband. Whoops!

"Stupid boyband!" I muttered kicking a rock in my path. "Stupid, stupid boyband!"

I kept on muttering minor insults towards the group, 'you're not punk rock' 'who even wants to be punk rock!' 'You're a bunch of pansy's!' 'Pansy's can't be punk rock' I was soon interrupted with a smash to my head. I tumbled on my feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry!" I heard a familiar Australian voice. Damn!

"Stupid boyband!" I muttered once more before slowly looking up to see Ashton standing over me with an outstretched hand. I quickly grabbed it and was hoisted up.

"What was that?" Ashton smiled once I was steady on my feet. I quickly looked at him, my eyes wide. Did he hear me?

"Uh, nothing!"

Ashton smiled back at me before shuffling on his feet. "Well I'll get back to the boys" he said awkwardly his cheeks slowly turning pink. Was he blushing? He gave me a quick head nod before walking back to the beach where I spotted the 3 other lads.

I quickly turned around and started to walk home. Was that a blush? Maybe it was just from running around on the beach. Yeah that's right.

I got home and it was about 6 o'clock. Damn, if that stupid boyband didn't distract me I could have stayed longer and missed dinner. I still decided to sneak in; maybe I could just slip past and lock myself in my bedroom.

"Amy!" I heard a stern voice from the kitchen. I groaned and walked in to see both my mum and dad at the dinner table, odd; usually they won't be in the same room together unless they are sleeping.

"Come have dinner with us" My mum instructed pointing to the spare chair with a plate full of food.

I sat down and uncomfortably picked at my food. It's not that I don't eat, I do, foods my life, I worship the stuff, but being here with them has made me lose my appetite. Plus I know I'm going to be bombarded with questions and won't have time to get a single mouthful of food in.

"So, how is school?" My mum asked me.


"What about Nadia? Is she doing well?"


"Are you on top of your homework?"


Iv soon learnt to realise one word answers are the best, get the job done quicker.

"Do you have the hots for any boys?" This question startled me causing me to choke on the piece of lettuce I was chewing on. And not just because of my mum's lack of formality in her vocabulary. She has never asked about boys, ever! So it's strange that she decided to now.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Well, it's coming to the point in your life when you are starting to be sexu-

"NO!" I screamed stopping my mum before this conversation went to a level of wrong I wasn't willing to get to. "No, there is no one I'm interested in"

I quickly shuffled my food around a bit with my fork and stood up taking my plate to the sink and walking up to my room. There was no way I was going to have "the talk" with my parents. That was something you get when you just go to high school and all the older kids are talking about 'sex'. That's a foreign word for a 12 year old and very traumatic if an older kid starts talking about it with detail. So the parents get together at a table and lightly explain the magic of reproduction. I never got that treatment and in no way need it now!

I had a shower, not in any rush so it was extra-long. Got changed and went to bed, hoping tomorrow would be a less stressful and calming day.


people who are reading this on wattpad, idk if anyone is but i got a job at a pizza place, not on purpose, coincidentally but once i got the job i was thinking 'i wonder if Michael will love me now' but anyway thankyou for reading and if you are like reading this right now, ill make you a pizza! 

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